Chapter 7

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You feel a small push on your shoulder, a hand holding it. 

''(y/n)... wake uuuuuppp, it is already laaaateeeee, if we want to do sooomeethiinnggg you need to wake uup''.

You open your eyes to see Amy and Hannah ready to leave te hotel.

''I am sorry! we had to wake you up because we want to eat!'' Hannah said

''It's ok I guess, what time is it?''

''11!'' Amy laughed 

''11 already! wow. I just need a quick shower''. 

''You can do that later, when we come back from dinner it's just around the corner and I'm REALLY hungry''. Hannah spoke desperately

''Hmm, oké I'll get up''. 

You got up quickly and decided you didn't care about your make up. The three of you had to get ready early for tonight anyways. You put on some clothes, put a brush through your hair and was ready to go. You walked around the block to see a small pub, you ate a typical English breakfast and some (coffee/tea). 

After breakfast you decided to not go back to the hotel. You weren't going through the trouble if you had to  change it all in 5 hours. You took the underground to Hyde Park and walked around. It was a beautiful park, with a small river going through the middle of it. You fed the geese and looked at the people working out and picnicking. Hannah mentioned she needed at least 3 hours to get ready for tonight, which seemed ridiculous but you were never a try hard when going out. But tonight you decided it would be fun. One night of going ALL out. You already had the outfit and asked Hannah to do your make up, as she was one of those people who actually make it look like art. 


Back at the hotel you first started to curl your hair a little bit. You didn't want it to blow up in your face but a slight curl looked beautiful on you. 

''Hannah!! when can you do my make up?'' you yelled out of the bathroom

''Give me 30 min then I can start on yours!''

You walked into the bedroom and grabbed your phone. You opened text message and looked at razz's name. after a few minutes you decided not to text him, you would see him in 6 hours or so. you did not know if there was going to be any food at this party, so you decided to grab a big dinner before, get there at 19:00 for the pre-drinks and go to the real party at 21:30. It was a bit late for your taste but it was vacation. You switched off text message and opened Youtube, watching all your favorite youtubers.  40 mins later Hannah was finally done. 

''(y/n) come here! Let me do your make up now''. Hannah said while grabbing al the make up products she needed.

''are you sure you can do this without making me look weird?''

''I am sure, don't worry I won't give you a big black smokey eye''. 

25min later Hannah was done. She was proud of herself. You walked to the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror. You were surprised, pleasantly surprised. It wasn't your style to go through the trouble each morning but it looked so cool! You felt like an instagram model. If you took a selfie now and put it on tinder you would get tons of matches. But you gave up tinder after noticing most guys were jerks. 

When everyone was finally ready. You decided to get Italian. It wasn't the smartest choice, with all the pasta sauce etc but it all worked out well. You got good fulfilling food to get through the night and it was delicious. at 19:15 you walked away from the restaurant and towards the club opening. At the door you had to show your tickets and ID, thank god everyone had all their stuff with them. The front of the club was open, it looked like a lounge bar with chill music and big comfy couches. and at 21:30 they would open the back, where the new club was going to be.

Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now