Part 12

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We were standing in front of the lift area, her hand still on my shoulder as she was holding onto me for support. She was just standing next to me so quietly like she was lost in thoughts. when the lift came i said...

Jimin: "The lift is here. Come on follow me."

She just nodded and followed me. We were the first to enter the lift and in a minute the lift was filled with people. Doctor's, nurses, patients and visitors. There were a combination of different types of people. By now we were standing at the back and we were standing very close as the lift was small and there was not enough space. I noticed that Yoona was scared as there was lot's of people in it and she didn't knew what was going on.

Jimin: "It's okey. I'm here. You can hold on to my arm if your scared." I wanted to comfort her as she was scared.

She just nodded and smiled weakly. I can understand her insecurities as she was not aware about what was going on around here. She can only hear the noises. She held my hand and kept staring at her feet. No word's were exchanged between us. When the lift stopped on the 4th floor i told her....

Jimin: "We are here."  and i held her hand and started walking out of the lift.

She followed me quietly. It felt good to know that she trusted me. While we were walking towards the leisure room i tried to make some conversation with her to reduce the awkwardness between us. For some reason i wanted her to be comfortable around me.

Jimin: "So do you like to draw?" Even though the answer was obvious i wanted her to speak.

Yoona: "Yeah. Since i got blind i cant do much to keep myself occupied. I get bored so i draw things which comes on my mind."

Jimin: " Drake told me your an amazing painter. I would love to see some of your sketches."

Yoona: " Drake was just exaggerating. You know him." she said that and started to laugh.

By now we were standing in front of the leisure room. I took her inside and i saw lot's of books, musical instruments and other stuffs which can help anyone to keep themselves occupied with.

I took Yoona to an empty table which was next to the window and made her sit there. I told her i would be back with a sketch pad and the necessary items which she needs to use while drawing. She just nodded.

I saw how insecure she felt when i left.She didn't want to be alone. So i quickly went to the shelf where the books and everything was and brought everything to the table which i thought she might be needing.

Yoona: "That was quick." She said that with a huge smile.

Jimin: "Oh yeah. I didn't wanna leave you alone. Drake would have killed me if anything happened to you, you know."

Yoona started to laugh and told me to sit next to her.

My Idol | p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now