chapter 35: Lunatic Lisa

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Zoe was wrapped up like a burrito in her bed.

Hercules came to Zoe's room. "Zozo, wake up."

"Five more minutes, Alarm Clock..." Zoe muttered.

"Zoe, it's a snow day miracle!" Hercules told her.

One of Zoe's eyes opened. Hercules picked her up and showed her the window to show it was snowing.

"You're right, it is a snow day miracle." Zoe smiled.

"Shall we go out?" Hercules smirked.

"Sure." Zoe smirked back.

The Weather twins soon got dressed and went outside.

"Salutations," Lisa greeted the Weather twins. "You can thank NASA for the snow."

"NASA?" Hercules and Zoe asked.

"I called some friends and they pulled a few strings and a little cloud, deciding later we have ourselves another snow day." Lisa explained.

"Thank you, Lisa!" Hercules and Zoe smiled.

Lisa smiled back as the Weather twins then came to enjoy the snow day with the Louds.

"Wahoo!" Zoe cheered.

"Even better," Lana smiled as she made a new snowman. "Zoe, Hercules, this is Mr. Twigarms Jr."

"Cool." Hercules smiled.

Lisa then threw rapid snowballs and made a hole in Lana's snowman.

"Mr. Twigarms Jr!" Lana panicked.

"Look alive, Lana!" Lisa laughed. "Mr. Twigarms Jr sure doesn't!"

"Oookay, that sure was a bit much." Hercules said.

"YEAH!" Lincoln ran out and did some sledding.

"Should we warn him?" Zoe asked Hercules.

"Lincoln, wait!" Hercules cried out.

Lisa laughed as she threw more snowballs at Lincoln which then made him crash into a tree.

"Too late." Zoe sighed.

"There's nothing like another day for throwing frozen projectiles," Lisa laughed. "WOO HOO!! Snow day!!!"

"This might have been a bad idea." Zoe said.

"I'm scared of her now..." Hercules shuddered.

The two of them soon built their snow fort so then they can have protection from Lisa. Lisa laughed as she chased after her siblings. Hercules and Zoe poked their heads out to see if the coast was clear, but they couldn't find Lisa, so they sat back down only to find her right behind them like in a horror movie.

'"Hey, guys." Lisa grinned.

"How long have you been there?" Hercules asked.

"Oh, a good while, care to see my newest invention?" Lisa grinned.

"I'm afraid to find out what it is and what it does." Zoe gulped.

"I call it the Ultra Snow Zooka!" Lisa took out her newest invention.

"I suggest we run." Hercules said to his sister.

Zoe nodded. Lisa laughed as the Weather twins ran for their lives and where she soon fired out all of the snowballs.

"We created a monster!" Lincoln cried out from Lisa's love of snow days now.

"You can say that again." Hercules said.

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