chapter 70: Patching Things Up

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With that, things were going to be back to normal and soon enough, it was Bluebell Scout season and Nicole had Zoe do something for her which would mean a lot to her.

"You want me to do WHAT?!" Zoe asked her mother.

"Be a Bluebell Scout big sister, the girls would appreciate it," Nicole smiled to her daughter. "Besides, you were one too when you were six."

"Yeah, cuz you made me!" Zoe scoffed to her mother.

"Please, Zoe." Nicole begged.

Zoe groaned and sighed to her mother. "Fine..."

Nicole grinned and then hugged Zoe. "Oh, thank you, honey! Lola and Lana will really appreciate this while they audition to become Bluebell Scouts themselves."

"This might be a challenge for them then." Zoe said.

Nicole only ruffled up her daughter's hair and squealed. "Oh, look, your old Bluebell uniform!"

"MOOOOOOMM!" Zoe yelped before she was forced into the outfit.

After a while, she was soon in her Bluebell uniform. Hercules cupped his mouth.

"Open your mouth and I open your rib cage." Zoe threatened.

Hercules soon went silent. Zoe then went off against her will with Lola and Lana following behind as they were excited to become Bluebell Scouts.

"I so hate Mom for making me do this." Zoe whispered to herself.

Hercules waved as he was going to spend some time with Atlas today. Zoe soon went to Camp Bluebell with the Loud twins. She had a feeling that Lincoln and Clyde would try to get the Bluebell cookies.

"Who's ready to become a Bluebell?!" The Scout Leader smiled to the little girls. "Now, to help you all, we have a Bluebell Big Sister volunteer when she was your age, please welcome Zoe Weather!"

Zoe smiled crookedily and waved nervously to the six-year-old girls. Lola and Lana smiled up to her.

"Now if you wanna wear the periwinkle sash, you'll need to earn five different patches today." The Scout Leader told the girls as Zoe displayed the badge sash for the girls to see.

"Ooh." The girls smiled.

"Only five? Oh, we got this!" Lola smirked before bumping fists with Lana.

"Yeah, we do." Lana smirked back.

"First up, we have the Wilderness Protection patch." The Scout Leader began as she showed the badge.

"To earn it, we're gonna hike up in the Friendship Trail and pick up all the icky sticky litter we find." Zoe added.

"We have to pick up trash?!" The Loud twins both asked from two different reactions.

Lana began to do her part before sniffing at a delicious odor. "Mm... Spicy Italian."

'I was right this will be a challenge for one of them.' Zoe thought to herself.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!" Lola whimpered before screaming and running away from the trash.

Zoe sighed at this as she supervised the other girls as they collected trash for their badges.

Once the girls were finished, they came back for their badges.

"All right, rubbish wranglers, let's see how we did." The Scout Leader smiled to the girls.

"Great pile, Lana!" Zoe approved of Lana's large trash pile.

Lana was soon given her badge.

"That's trash-tastic, Lana!" The Scout Leader beamed as she awarded the first badge. "Now, how about your sister?"

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