chapter 60: Crowds Love Loud

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"So, you thought you could get away with this, huh?" Lynn Sr asked Lincoln strictly at first.

"But, I, uh..." Lincoln stammered fearfully.

"Not telling your family that you're a big Football Star with Hercules?!" Lynn Sr then smiled proudly as he took out the newspaper. "Crowds Love Loud! Haven't seen that headline since my break dancing days. We're so proud of you, son! We're all gonna be at your game tomorrow!"

"All of you?" Hercules asked.

"You betcha! And Lincoln, if you need some new moves for your touchdown dance..." Lynn Sr replied before doing some of his own dance moves.

"Lynn, you were just supposed to play, not become a big star!" Lincoln scolded his athlete sister.

"Sorry, Linc," Lynn shrugged. "I only know how to give 110%."

"It's true." Hercules said.

"Well, now we got a problem," Lincoln said to Lynn. "Because I'm so good, the whole family wants to watch me play tomorrow."

"Don't worry, we fooled everyone all season," Lynn replied. "There's no reason we can't do it for one more game."

"I hope you're right." Hercules said as he sounded worried for Lincoln.

It was then about time for the big game and Zoe was going with Mike, James, and Bernie. Mike and James had Roosters sweaters, but Bernie had a Hocker sweater on.

"Why are you wearing a Hocker sweater?" James asked Bernie.

"Mike said we were all gonna wear Hockers sweaters!" Bernie replied.

"Oops." Mike smirked.

"Oh, come on!" Bernie groaned.

Mike and James laughed at his misfortune. Bernie pouted as he was treated like the scapegoat again.

"Come on, guys, let's take our seats," Zoe told the boys. "The game's about to start and I do NOT want to miss my brother in action against those Hazeltucky Dorks!" She soon saw Bernie wearing the sweater of the opposing team and knew that it had to mean that one of the boys tricked him. "BOYS?!" she asked firmly.

"It was him!" Mike and James pointed fingers to each other in blame.

"It was Mike." Bernie said, pointing to Mike.

"I should've known..." Zoe narrowed her eyes, she then hid her magic and then took out a new sweater for Bernie. "Here, Bernie, I brought an extra."

"Thanks." Bernie smiled as he put the right sweater on.

"Will you guys ever stop picking on Bernie?" Zoe asked.

"Do we have to?" Mike asked.

"I'll stop, for you..." James put his arm around Zoe.

"Hmm..." Mike hummed while Bernie looked hopeful.

"Come on, let's sit with my family." Zoe said as she went to her parents who were, of course, with the Loud family.

"Okay." James smiled.

Zoe came up to the bleachers where the Louds and her parents were.

"Wow, you have a big family..." James commented as he saw the Louds which were family to the Weathers these days.

Zoe soon explained why her family was so big now.

"Ah..." James replied. "That's cool."

"Erm... Nice costume, Mr. Loud, you too, Mrs. Loud." Zoe commented about Lynn Sr in a rooster outfit while Rita was dressed like a cheerleader.

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