chapter 52: Secret Secrets Club

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Some time later, the Loud sisters, except for Lola, and Lincoln came to the Weather twins and surrounded them, having firm looks on their faces at first.

"Can we help you?" Hercules and Zoe asked.

"We need to know, how good are you two at keeping secrets?" Lisa narrowed her eyes.

"We're great at keeping secrets." Hercules said.

"Yeah." Zoe nodded.

"How good?" Luan interrogated. "No funny business, that's no secret!" she then laughed before looking firm and serious.

"We're like steel traps." Zoe insisted.

"Would you care to share any secrets you keep with people you can trust, in, say, a club?" Lucy asked.

Hercules and Zoe had to think of a good secret to tell the Loud sisters, besides that they were a warlock and a witch, and where they knew one.

"Okay, one time we accidentally broke Mom's favorite china and had to use forever glue to fix it." Hercules and Zoe whispered to the Loud sisters.

"Whoa!" the Loud siblings gasped.

"Dudes, that's totally messed up!" Luna's eyes widened.

"Okay, I think we can literally trust them." Lori decided.

"Yeah, with a secret as big as that, we can trust them." Lana said.

"And more." Lynn whispered as she knew the real secret, but didn't share it.

"Then we hereby invite you two to the Loud Family Secret Secrets Club held in mine and Leni's bedroom before bedtime." Lori told Hercules and Zoe.

"Cool." Hercules and Zoe smiled.

Lincoln and the Loud sisters smiled.

"Uh, where's Lola?" Hercules asked.

"You really think we're gonna let a tattletale in our club?" Lori scoffed.

"Good point." Zoe said.

"All right, we're in a club, this is gonna be awesome." Hercules smiled.

"Yeah." Zoe smiled.

Hercules and Zoe smiled to each other and they were even becoming honorary Louds. They were happy to be in the club, even if Lola wasn't going to be in it. Hercules and Zoe went to do their own thing for a while until it was getting close to bedtime and Lincoln was joining his sisters into Lori and Leni's bedroom, and they then went to join them.

"Make yourselves at home." Lori said to the Weather twins as she was getting Lily settled in.

"This is the first time we've been allowed into your and Leni's room without you having to make any threats." Hercules said.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." Lori replied.

"I'll say." Lucy droned as she read a book as Luan braided her hair.

As soon as every one of the siblings, besides Lola, were in the room, it was safe for each of them to tell a secret.

Lincoln decided to go first and he was telling a story about how his remote control plane broke their dad's disco ball. "So then, bam! My remote control plane smashed right into Dad's disco ball, and it broke into a million pieces!"

This caused for Hercules and Lynn to gasp.

"The one he got from winning the Royal Woods 'Dance Your Pants Off' contest?!" Lynn gasped. "He's so proud of that thing!"

"I know," Lincoln replied. "If he ever finds out, I'll be as dead as disco!"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one hiding something from Dad." Lori commented.

"What did you do?" Zoe asked Lori.

"I accidentally scratched the car with my rhinestone purse!" Lori confessed.

"Whoa!" Hercules and Zoe gasped.

"You think that's bad?" Luna replied. "Remember the blackout last week?"

"I thought you had to be behind that!" Zoe commented. "Oh, well, it wasn't that bad..."

"Yes, I rather enjoy the darkness," Lucy added in agreement. "Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get black paint out of lace? I painted Mom's wedding dress for my dark betrothal to Edwin."

"Whoa." Hercules said out of surprise.

"What can I say? We're not angels," Lincoln shrugged to Hercules and Zoe. "Sometimes, we mess up. But the great thing is, if you need to get something off your chest, you can always trust your siblings."

There was then a knock at the door.

"Well, not all of them." Lincoln then sighed.

"Uh-oh, I bet I know who that is." Hercules said as he answered the door.

"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" Lola asked as she came into the room casually.

"Oh, nothing important, just stuff." Hercules answered.

"You're telling secrets again, aren't you?" Lola glared. "It's not fair! I never get included! Even Hercules and Zoe got to join you guys!"

"Yeah, well, they told us a secret that was good enough to get into the club." Lincoln told her.

"And your'e a tattletale." Hercules added.

"I am NOT!" Lola scoffed.

The rest of the Loud sisters, Lincoln, and the Weather twins all gave her a look that told her that they didn't believe her.

"Okay, I'll admit I used to be a tattletale, but I changed!" Lola then said.

The others murmured in disagreement with that.

Lola growled and threw her tiara aside in fury before storming off. "MOM!!!!! THEY WON'T LET ME IN THEIR SECRET SECRETS CLUB!!!!!" Once Lola was out of the room, Lincoln closed the door.

"Mmm... So, where were we?" Lisa asked as she made a list of secrets.

"I broke Dad's disco ball, Luna caused the blackout, Lori scratched the car, and Lucy ruined Mom's wedding dress," Lincoln replied. "Who's next?"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Lana raised her hand. "Ooh! Ooh! So you know how Dad and Mr. Weather were yelling at Charles and Samson for chewing up their boots? That was me!"

"That is both disturbing and yet interesting." Hercules said.

"Wait a second, weren't Dad's boots steel toe?" Luan asked.

Lana shrugged as she was still able to chew up boots like a dog.

"And there's also when Hercules and Zoe broke their mom's favorite china and then fixing it with forever glue." Lincoln said.

"Yeah, but that was before they moved in with us." Lori said.

Hercules and Zoe smiled sheepishly to each other as Lynn gave them an odd look. Everyone else that was in the club soon told their own secret. After a while, it was time for bed, and where it was a peaceful night. That was, until the next morning.

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