chapter 38: Toads and Tiaras

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It was a break off from school and Hercules woke up to see that Lincoln had already left his bed and looked out the window to see that the white-haired boy was with Lola as she was getting ready for yet another pageant.

"Okay, this is new." Hercules said seeing Lincoln helping Lola practice for a beauty pageant. He then decided to come outside to see what this was all about.

"Good. And turn, and wave," Lincoln coached through a megaphone as Lola was doing as Lincoln was telling her. "More teeth. Less teeth. Excellent! Keep it up!"

"Lincoln, why are you helping Lola practice for a beauty pageant?" Hercules asked.

"Well, tomorrow is the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant, and the winner gets the greatest prize ever: two season passers to Dairyland A-Moo-sement Park!" Lincoln explained with a grin. "That's one for Lola and one for coach. I've been working my butt off all week to make sure she wins."

"Wow." Hercules smiled.

"It's been a long, hard road," Lincoln nodded. "But once we get to Dairyland, it'll all be worth it."

"Get back here, Hops!" Lana called out as she chased after her frog.

"Hops! Lana! Heel!" Hercules commanded.

And where this caused the two to stop.

"Lana, watch out!" Lincoln scolded. "Do you know how hard it is to steam clean chiffon?"

"Blah, blah, blah..." Lana rolled her eyes.

Lana and Hops soon went inside.

"Okay, Lola, let's move onto your walk," Lincoln then instructed as he took a small glance at a pink handbook. "Remember what Gil DeLily says in his best-selling book: "'Unlocking Your Inner Pageant Queen, To win the day, you must sashay'."

"I know how to walk, Lincoln." Lola scoffed before going to take a walk, not realizing there was a loose can of hairspray in the yard.

"Lola, watch out!" Hercules called out.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Lincoln cried out as well.

Lola then accidentally stepped on the can only to slip, fall, and severely injure herself.

"Ooh, that's gonna smart." Hercules winced.

Lola screamed and cried like a baby as she was in horrible pain.

Nicole came out and then gasped. "Oh, my gosh, Lola!" she then ran to the girl and picked her up.

"Ugh... Everything hurts!" Lola cried out.

"What happened?" Nicole asked the boys.

"We were practicing Lola's walk and she tripped over the can of hairspray." Lincoln explained.

"Oh, poor thing..." Nicole cooed to Lola. "Did you break anything?"

"I think my leg and my arm." Lola pouted out of pain.

"Oh, dear..." Nicole frowned.

Lola sniffled. Nicole soon took care of Lola and put her in casts and allowed her to rest in her bed like a nurse.

"Now, make sure you don't put any pressure on either of those." Nicole told Lola.

"I won't." Lola promised.

Nicole nodded and then left the room as Hercules and Lincoln came to check on the fallen girl.

"Looks like you won't be able to make it to the beauty pageant." Hercules said.

"It's just a minor setback, we can still win this thing." Lincoln replied.

"Wake up and smell the hairspray, Lincoln," Lola scoffed. "It's over!"

"You can't just quit!" Lincoln grew desperate. "We worked hard on this!"

"Lincoln, give up, it's over." Hercules said.

"There will be other pageants, you know." Lola added in.

"But not with Dairyland tickets!" Lincoln cried out.

"Lincoln, I need my beauty rest," Lola said as she put on her sleeping mask. "As your pal, Gil DeLily would say, 'I can't recover if you're going to hover'."

"Come on, Lincoln; let's leave Lola so she can get to sleep." Hercules said.

"Thank you, Hercules." Lola smirked to him with a shy giggle.

Hercules then helped Lincoln clean up the beauty pageant stuff as Zoe came outside.

"I'm going to Goth Topic, don't wait up." Zoe said before she left with Lucy to their favorite store in the Mall.

"Have a nice time." Hercules said.

Zoe and Lucy then left together.

"I can't believe I learned to French Braid for nothing." Lincoln complained.

"Well, there's nothing we can do, Lincoln; I mean, it's not like we could get Lana to pretend she's Lola." Hercules said.

As if on cue, the muddy and dirty Loud twin came out and picked up the golden tiara. "Hey, guys, you done with this?" she then asked. "I could use the scrap metal for welding."

Lincoln took a look with a gasp, he put the tiara on Lana's head and his eyes glowed as that sounded like a wonderful idea.

"Uh, why is he looking at me like that?" Lana asked Hercules.

"I think I just gave him an idea that I am now regretting giving him." Hercules groaned with a face-palm.

"Lana, how would you like a season pass to Dairyland?" Lincoln asked.

Lana looked very hopeful before groaning. "Don't toy with me, Lincoln!"

"There is one catch though." Hercules said.

"What is it?!" Lana begged. "I'll do anything!"

"You just have to take Lola's place in the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant and win." Lincoln replied.

"Bleh!" Lana groaned in utter disgust. "Are you kidding me?! Do you guys know who you're talking to?"

"They have a new ride at Dairyland." Hercules smirked.

"Oh?" Lana asked.

"Behold, The Milk Shaker!" Lincoln took out a poster of the new ride. "It's so fast, you can barf, fly around a loop, and get hit in the face with said barf."

"Well?" Hercules smirked at Lana.

"Darn you guys, I'm in!" Lana then gave in before looking scared. "Oh! But, wait, what if Lola finds out? You know what she's capable of..."

The three of them then had a scary image of Lola smiling evilly with flames behind her.

"She won't find out," Lincoln replied. "I promise."

"As do I." Hercules said.

Lana then shook both their hands, accidentally getting mud on them.

"Bleh!" Lincoln grimaced. "First off, we gotta clean you up. 'Dirt on your face gets you last place'."

"And then we have to get a dress and beauty pageant shoes." Hercules said.

Lincoln then snuck off into the twins' bedroom. Hercules bit his lip nervously as he was sure Lola was bound to find out about this someway, somehow.

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