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(Y/N)'S been paranoid for the past year, well so she thinks. Dippers been trying to get her to love him, and everyone's been slightly awkward around her. It's gotten to the point where she can't sleep.

Bills dying for her touch, her warm embrace, the feeling of her lips, anything and everything about her. It killed him to see her to confused and depressed, her happiness forced or faked everyday...

She was crying now, it's become a habit to cry before bed. She whispers for help, causing Bills heart to shatter every time.

"You're free!" He yells at her, knowing she can't hear him. "Go! Live your life without me!"

Her eyes are pouring those bright (F/C) tears again, illuminating the darkness. Bill knew what was going to happen, her powers were being amplified.

Suddenly a blast of (F/C) exploded in the room, causing everything to be thrown to the walls. She opened her eyes in shock, it's happening yet again.

The pines opened the door, only to find her missing, and a note placed on her bed.

Dear my new family,

I know this may seem weird, but I had been kicked out of my many homes due to a certain power that came with extreme emotion. I'm sorry for the mess, but it's happening again. I can't see you guys get hurt, so I'm leaving.

Sorry I caused you pain,

- (Y/N)

Bill materialized in front of her, causing her to pump into him and fall on her back. She wiped her tears, looking up at the sad boy as he sighed.

"Look kid, go back home." He said. "It isn't safe for you to be out here alone."

"Who are you?!" She yelled, backing away from him.

"Doesn't matter." He shook his head. "Please, just go home, okay?"

"Why the hell-"

"(Y/N)!" Dipper yelled running down the road.

"No..." she whispered, standing up. "Move!"

"I'm not-"

She blasted him back, causing him to skid across the gravel road on his back. He stood up, floating over to her with great speed, lightly pinning her to the ground.

"I know you're upset, but you need to stay with Dipper, okay? He's the only one that can make you happy anymore-"

"Let me go!" She cried loudly.

"Bill!" Dipper shouted panting.

"She's trying to leave." He sighed.

"Please..." she cried. "Just let me leave... it's the only way..."

"Bill, you should take her back." Dipper sighed. "I tried... I tried so hard to make her happy, but it's just not working..."

"I know."

"No! I won't go-"

He snapped his fingers, causing her to fall asleep instantly. He sighed as he gently picked her up, looking at Dipper.

"Have you tried everything?"

"Yeah..." Dipper said, looking at the ground. "I thought she could learn to love me... but I guess we just aren't meant to be..."

"Bill..." she muttered in her sleep.

"See? She even begs for you in her sleep, I've heard it all before." Dipper said, tears forming in his eyes. "She wants you Bill, no, she NEEDS you!"


"Just go." He said sadly.

Bill looked at him for one final time, before teleporting to a large house deep in the woods. He snapped his fingers again, causing a whole room to her liking to be created. He laid her onto the soft bed, tucking her into the blankets.

He kissed her forehead softly, walking out of the large room. He shut the door, only to slide against it.

His stomach felt sick, stuck between wanting her to stay and leave. He loved her, but she would hate him after today, he knew this. He wanted her to be happy, and the only shot left was for her to stay here with him.

He heard her jump off the bed frantically, rushing for the door. He stood up and turned around as she opened the door quickly. She jumped back seeing him.

"Where the hell am I?!" She shouted.

"Chill kid. You're at our house, that's your room." He sighed. "Just go back to sleep, you'll be fine."

"How can I trust you? You just kidnapped me!"


He almost made a horrible mistake. He can't reveal the past, because then she'll hate him. The minute she's happy again, she can return to the Pines. That's a good plan, right? No, to many flaws.

"Who are you anyway?!"

"Bill, Bill Cipher." He said.

"Aren't you like a hero or something?"

"Heh, believe what you want."


"Alright, well I suppose Dipper trusts you... so I guess I will too. But you touch one hair on their heads, and I'll kill you."

"Alright." Bill chuckled. "You're so cute when you're trying to be threatening."

"S-Shut up." She blushed angrily.

He chuckled at this reply as she slammed the door on his face, locking it to make sure He didn't go in. He burst out laughing as he knew that wasn't going to stop him.

He tried to fly up, but fell to the ground with a large thud. He growled at the loss of powers, the sensation of pain didn't help much, and now the lock WOULD keep him out.

"Goddamnit." He muttered, still laying on the floor.

He grunted as he moved onto his hands and knees, looking up as he heard the door unlock. She opened the door curiously, wondering what the hell happened.

"Are... you okay?" She asked, kneeling to his level.

"I'm fine." He grunted.

"That doesn't sound like it..." she sighed. "Come on, stand up."

He stood up along with her, as she walked behind him. She moved his shirt up with a blush, he also slightly blushed as the warm hand traced one of the tattoos.

"There's a small bruise, It's gunna hurt if you lay on it, but you should be fine." She said, letting his shirt fall. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"

"I-I'm not human... and because of this, I have tattoos revealing what and who I am."

"What are you?" She asked, unfazed.

"A-A dream demon." He sighed.

"Cool." She shrugged. "I don't even know what I am."

'A dream demons queen...' Bill thought to himself.

"I couldn't tell you kid." He sighed.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now