The End

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The look he's giving me, the pace of his breathing, the fear in his eyes, he's terrified. Terrified of me.

I took his powers away. He can't stop me.

"(Y/N) stop!" Dipper yelled.

I floated high into the air, watching as Bill tried to get everyone back inside, it was to late. I pushed them all inside except for Chris. I handcuffed the door closed.

"You did this to me." I growled.

The man smirked, crossing his arms.

"You wouldn't harm me. Not with your little boyfriend, Dipper, and Mabel inside." He said.

He's lying.

He has fear.

He's afraid.

Kill him.



I don't know what happened. One moment I was floating, the next moment my hand was through his chest. I pulled my hand out and backed away, crawling backwards as he fell in front of my feet.

I began panting as I threw up, crying. The chain on the door came undone, and Ford blocks the view. Bill came running out, snapping his fingers so the man was gone. He pulled me into a hug as he shook as violently as me.

The silence was filled with my sobs as I held Bill tighter. I closed my eyes and saw the pure fear on the mans face as my hand went inside him.

"It's okay, you're okay." Bill cooed.

I wanted to say it wasn't. That I just freaking killed a man, but nothing would come out except the sobs. I looked up to see the whole family in tears, Mabel even trying to harm me, which she had every right to do.

"You're just like him!" Dipper shouted. "You're a monster just like him! I thought you were different, but no. Don't ever come here again!"

"He doesn't mean that." Bill said softly, as he pet my hair.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, snapping my fingers.

Bills POV

She's gone.

Just like that she's gone.

Disappeared somewhere only she knows, and I'll never find her, will I? She's probably half way across the earth by now.

Dipper began throwing stones at me as Stan and Ford comforted their now widowed sister in law.

"GET LOST MONSTER!" Mabel cried.

"I WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED!" Dipper yelled.

I stood up, and began walking to my old statue. Inspecting every perfect inch of it, I realized what was happening. I was immortal, turning mortal. My foot began to become stone, as I realized one thing.

It would take years for me to get my powers back. Until she discovered my statue, I would stay in this state for eternity. I held my hand out as a tear ran down my face.

"I love you." I said, smiling.


Twenty Years Later

"I'm sorry." Her sweet voice said, pulling me out of the stone.

"(Y/N)?" I asked.

It's almost as if she never caught up to her. She was just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. I pulled her into a hug, which she huffed back.

We didn't speak until we reached the top of a hill.

The sun began to set, the wind blowing her beautiful hair to the side as she sat down.

"I love you Bill." She smiled.

The end

Ima make a BillDip soon. Because I can.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now