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"It's good to see you again." She smiled.

"I agree, it's been far too long." Bill replied, standing up.

"By alas, you have found another." She sighed.

"Isn't she you?"

"Her soul has fallen for you, without my help." She said, walking over to him.

She was in (Y/N)'S body, just she had (Not Fav Color) eyes. She stopped in front of Bill, undoing his bow tie. So many thought were racing through his head, but not one of them, was about Nemesis.

His eyes met her worried gaze, only for her to look on the side of his neck. She sighed heavily, handing the tie back to him, realizing the situation. She looked upon her own arm, and tears began to spill.


"Don't." She snapped, still crying.

Bill stood silently watching as she pulled herself together. Suddenly the lighting in the room fell back to darkness, only for a spotlight to be on (Y/N) and Nemesis.

(Y/N) looked curiously at the demon, then to Bill. Nemesis's eyes never left Bills form, as Bill simply stared to the ground.

"Choose." Nemesis said loudly.

"(Y/N)." He said immediately.

"What's going-" (Y/N) went to say, only to look back at Bill, who was crying once again.

Although he may not be screaming, there was still tears. His lip was quivering, but he knew what he did could not be reversed. He knew it was the right choice either way.

Nemesis met Bills gaze, at his blank expression as tears ran down his face. She appeared in front of him, moving his bangs out of the way of one of the eyes. He flinched back, but didn't put up a fight.

"You're eye..." she whispered.

He nodded.

His right eye had a yellow triangle instead of a normal eye. It was a flaw he never wished (Y/N) to see, but now her curiosity would get the best of her, that was just who she was.

Bill looked at her, she looked sadly back. She was confused, concerned, and she had every right to be. Her heart was dangling on the edge, figuratively of course, but nonetheless painful.

Bill walked right past Nemesis, walking onto the stage where (Y/N) stood. He walked up to her, lifted her chin slightly, and kissed her. More passionately than ever before, it even caused her to cry.

She felt guilty that she ever thought he would choose otherwise, but she knew the guilt was wrong. He made it seem as if he would have chosen Nemesis, but that was just the game, right?

Bill Cipher, the lier, lover, killer and savor, and one persons whole world. To her, he was a hero, to others he was the villain. To her, he had a large heart, to most he had the coldest heart. To her, he would give his life, to all others, he would kill almost instantly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, hugging him tightly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He replied quietly, hugging her as if he would never let go. "Come on, let's wake up huh?"

Nemesis didn't exist anymore. She died a month before (Y/N) was born. Bill knew this. Nemesis was created in her mind because she was worried he still loved her, so she made it seem like it did.

This place in the mind, Nemesis's door, was (Y/N)'S insecurities she kept hidden away. She moved his bangs out of the way of his eye, only to find, it was a normal eye. Bill smirked and snapped his fingers, waking both of them up.

She looked at him, suddenly tackling him in another embrace. They were silent ass they held each other on the bed. (Y/N) burying her face in Bills bare chest.

"I was so worried." She confessed.

"You have every right to be." He replied. "I'm sorry I worried you."

"Nemesis. Is she still there?"

"She never was there (Y/N)." Bill said, almost at a whisper. "You created her in your mind, unintentionally placing a test for me."

"Well I'm glad you past." She replied, kissing his forehead.

"You missed." He chuckled.

He flipped her on her back, kissing her on the lips once again, causing her face to turn light pink. Bill smirked as he got off of her, grabbing a light t-shirt. She looked at him in annoyance, only causing him to chuckle.

"Come on, lets go get breakfast." He said, picking her up.

She huffed but didn't put up a fight. He placed her at the table, and began to cook (Fav Breakfast).

"I love you." She whispered.

"Hmm?" He asked, acting as if he hadn't heard.

"I said I love you." She said a bit louder.

"A bit louder." He smirked.

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU." She yelled.

"Still can't hear you." He said, floating upside down, his face in front of hers.

She lightly pushed his forehead back, causing him to land at the back of the chair, wrapping his arms lovingly around her neck. He kissed her cheek, causing her to turn pink.

He snapped his fingers, and the plate of food was now in front of her. He watched as she ate each bite slowly, he knew she was confused of what he was doing.

"Baaaaabbbeee???" He suddenly asked.

"Hwt?" She replied, food still in her mouth.

"I have a question to ask."

"And that is?" She said, swallowing the food.

"Will you marry me?"

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now