The Pines Family

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"Stupid Bill-" I said throwing a rock across the pond. "- Stupid Dipper, Stupid me, EVERYTHING IS STUPID!" I yelled.

I sighed and sat, dipping my into the cold water. A few fish swam to my feet, but quickly disappeared. I laid down on the grass, only to feel the presence of someone else.

"Bill?" I asked hopefully.

The presence disappeared, it had to have been him. I stood up, walking over to my sneakers and picked them up. I had to meet the Pines in an hour for their party, so I might as well head over.

I began walking barefoot down the path, only to feel eyes watching my every move. I cursed under my breath but kept moving. I couldn't tell if it was paranoia, or me missing Bill, but this needed to stop.

I quickened my pace, hurrying to the shack as fast as possible. I grabbed my sweater I left laying in the front of the path, and bolted down the road.

I placed the (F/C) hoodie over my head, only to trip and fall, slightly cutting my arm with the gravel. I pulled myself up, looking around to find not even a glimmer of life. I sighed heavily as I stood up, brushing myself off.

I walked down the abandoned road, finally reaching the main part of town. Reena and Tom moved away a few months back, so they wouldn't be to much of a problem.

The townsfolk didn't remember me either, which is good in my book. The less that know me the better. I'm less of a danger that way.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Mabel said, running across the road. "Where's Bill?"

"I don't know, nor do I care." I shrugged.

"Don't lie to me." She huffed, crossing her arms. "Even in that sentence I could hear the pain. You miss him!"

"I'm mad at him okay!" I yelled, giving in. "Can we just get to the goddamn party?"

She rolled her eyes and began a silent walk to the shack. Lucky for me, it was only a few moments. We entered the shack, only to find we were late to the party.

"Hey." Bill grunted.

I sighed and took my place next to him, blushing slightly. Stan and Ford came back into the room with a pile of food.

"Ah, good evening (Y/N)." Ford smiled.

"I'm sorry I'm late everyone." I said, laying my napkin onto my lap.


"It's alright." A woman smiled. "I am Christina, and this is Chris."

"It's nice to meet you. You have such lovely children." I smiled, shaking their hands.

"Yet they still chase stupid fantasies." The father sighed.

"Honey!" The mother yelled, slapping him on the head. "Our children have great imaginations. Perhaps they'd turn out like Stanford!"

"Stanford?" He boomed. "He's been nothing but a failure. He abandoned his own family and for what? To prove he's not weird?!"

Bill, Ford, and I all winced at the outburst. Stan took notice, along with Christina. The twins were too busy eating and laughing with Candy and Grenda to take notice at the awkward situation unfolding.

My hands clenched as my eyes went down to my feet. My hands were resting on my leg, as Bill grabbed one of my hands, looking calmly into my eyes.

A wave of security and calmness overwhelmed me as I relaxed, only to remember why I was angry with him. He basically just threw me at Dipper, who just wanted me for himself. I can't believe my heart fell for a asshole triangle.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now