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"No government, Karma seems to be out of the picture for a bit, now what do we do?" She pondered.

Currently we were laying on the roof, staring at the stars in this cold night. It had just become fall, as the Pines were going to have a family reunion at the shack. Me and (Y/N) had been invited, which she was happy to announce we were going.

I sighed knowing she would have her way anyway, as stubborn as I was, she was far more stubborn than me. She was reaching at the stars, thinking of only the great things to come.

I knew better than to look into the future, because I knew it wouldn't stay the same. I could only enjoy looking at the beauty next to me, babbling on about her plans for us.

"Bill?" She questions, looking at me curiously. "What do you want to do?"

"I'd do anything as long as I'm with you." I stated lovingly.

She blushed and let a relived sigh go as her eyes filled with wonder. Her mind grew silent as her eyes shut slightly, her body curling up against mine. I began running my hands through her hair as her mind shut down to sleep.

"Adorable." I whispered, carefully picking her up, as to not wake her.

I floated down the hatch to the roof, carrying her into the bed. I set her down carefully, tucking her in and sitting down next to her.

"You don't know how much you've changed me." I whispered again. "I used to be ruthless, a monster. That Bill is gone thanks to you."

A blush fell upon her sleeping face as she heard this. I could only smile. Her heart was beating faster, she then began tossing and turning. She was dreaming of Weird Maggedon again.

I sighed and kissed her forehead, causing her to go into a sweet dream.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"Anytime." I replied, falling asleep next to her.

"Bill, your a danger to her!" Dipper yelled.

"I'm not a danger!" I yelled back, causing everything to float. "I-I'm not... I'm not a danger..."

"BILL!" She yelled, shaking me.

My eyes shot open to see a worried, sweet, (Y/N) morning face. She grunted as my lips curled into a smirk.

"You getting worried doll?" I teased, causing her to grunt and fold her arms beneath her chest.

"Screw off." She muttered, sighing quickly after.

"Anyway, I'm off to help Mabel and Dipper set up the shack for the party in a few days, don't get into too much trouble when I'm gone." She smiled, kissing my forehead, causing me to sit up.

"But why?" I whined. "Can't they do it themselves?"

"Sorry babe." She laughed. "Just... I dunno... do something productive."

Our bedroom door shut, then our front door shut as well. I ran to the window, watching as she placed a backpack on, and hopping onto a bike.

I had decided to make a pathway so she could go places without my magic. It just made sense that I wouldn't hold her hostage-


Awe hell to the no.

I appeared in front of Dipper, my tailcoat descending as I landed in front of him. He jumped back, causing a whole box of decorations to spill onto the floor.

"Listen here kid." I said, ignoring the whole situation. "(Y/N) is mine and only mine. Don't you dare try anything with her. Understood?"

He nodded his head, still shocked about the whole thing. I chuckled and appeared back home. I landed on the floor with a thud. My powers are getting weaker.

I stood up and went to make some cereal, only for (Y/N) to basically kick down the door.

"YOU THREATENED HIM?!" She yelled.

"Can't I just make food?" I whispered.

"Not until you answer why the hell you would-"

Kissing her always seems to make her mind go blank. Can't blame her, I'm way to hot for anyone to handle.

"Because you're mine and only mine. He's trying to take you away from me."

"Bill..." she said softly. "He would never succeed in those plans. You know why?"

"I love you." She finished.

I smiled and returned to reaching for mah food.

"Oh, that's a human soul." I said watching it fall to the floor.

(Y/N) grew confused as the glowing ball was met with several other glowing balls. She began to laugh as a ton of human souls knocked me to the ground.

"How did these even get here?!" I yelled.

The fact that she was crying on the floor of laughter made me realize how much I didn't care about the souls surrounding me, I only care for ones happiness.

And she's clutching her stomach as she began to snort.

"No but seriously. I don't even eat these..." I sighed.

"Bill Cipher?" A voice asked confused. "You didn't commit these acts, did you?"

"And why the hell would I do that William?" I replied, looking as my darling had fallen asleep, still clutching her stomach.

"Sebastian." He cursed, releasing the souls to where ever. "Have a good day Cipher, sorry for the inconvenience."

"What ever." I replied, standing up. "As long as all of you people stay away from my darling, it's fine."

He only smirked and disappeared back to his realm.

I shook her awake as she rubbed the remaining tears out of her eyes. She returned back to the Pines, out of my reach.

I watched as her perfect hair flew back as she moved the bike.

"I'm not a danger." I whispered as she left my view.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now