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"I'm sorry I didn't tell you (Y/N)..." Dipper said pleadingly. "I'm so sorry."

"I'll be back before dinner." I sighed.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to let my anger out before I destroy the house-"

The lights went out.

"Yup that would be a good idea." Dipper said wide eyed.

"(Y/N)-" Ford began, only to be cut off by the closed door.

I walked deep into the woods, destroying a whole area of trees. I fell to the ground with my head in my hands, my knees on the now destroyed forest floor.

"Why won't he tell me my memories..." I muttered.

"If it's memories you want~"

"Its memories you'll get." Two people said behind me.

I turned to see opposite versions of Dipper and Mabel, looking at me with devilish grins. I stood up, and turned around, throwing my hands in the air.

"Nope nope nope nope." I said, walking back to the shack. "Not dealing with you people today."

"Oh come on~" Mabel said, appearing in front of me.

"Get lost." I snarled, pushing her out of the way.

"We have your precious boy toy~"

"Who?" I asked, raising an eye brow.

"Cipher?" She tsked.

"What did you do to him?" I snapped, pinning her to the ground.

Dipper snapped his fingers, making a very badly beaten Bill appear, blood dripping from his temple.

"Hey cup cake." He smiled in agony.

"Bill what did they do to you?"

"We made a deal. You would leave her alone if I became mortal for as long as you wished." He growled, looking up at them.

"We aren't doing anything to her, as long as she makes a deal~" Mabel said.

The world went black.


I woke up to Bill carrying me through the forest, I could only assume deeper into it. He was back to his normal state, slightly grinning as he looked down at me.

"Hey darling." He said, slowing his pace down.

"Where are we?" I asked sleepily.

"Middle of the woods." He shrugged.


"Getting you as far away from civilization as possible."

"Wait what?"

"I just need to make sure you aren't going to harm anyone okay?" He smiled. "You're very unstable right now."

"What happened while I was knocked out?" I asked.

"Destroyed a whole part of the forest, beat the crap out of the opposites, and proceeded to try to destroy an entire mountain."

"There's no mountains near the place I was at..."

"Yeah I made that part up, but either way, you could still harm other people, and trust me kid. Not fun in the end."

"Where are we going?"

"A beautiful water fountain that used to calm you down."

"Used to?"

"Until I erased your memory."

"Why won't you tell me what happened?" I asked quietly.

"I'm afraid you'll get hurt again-"

*light bulb*

"Bill why did you erase my Tattoo? Why did you take back the deal? You promised me you wouldn't leave me..."

"Woah wait-"

I screamed in pain as the Tattoo reappeared on my arm, slowly and painfully. He quickly rushed to the waterfall, jumping into a cave beneath it as tears ran down my face.

"It's okay, you're okay." He coed. "Shh, it's alright."

"I-I can't... I can't breath..." I choked.

"Inhale-" He said, me obeying. "Exhale."

We repeated this process until my breath evened out. I sat up, only to be ushered back down. The water fall was calming me down, along with the fact I was here with the one person I trusted.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Alright." He sighed. "That's why I didn't want you to have your memories back. But just like last time, you still got them anyway."

"I'm sorry I was such a burden that you decided to get rid of me." I muttered.

"No no no!" He said immediately. "After they hurt you, I didn't want to be the cause of your pain. So I left for a while..."

I looked to the waterfall, turning my body that way.

"It's beautiful." I said.

"Not as beautiful as you." He smiled, running a hand through my hair.

I blushed as he sat down next to me, pulling me into his chest.

"I missed this." He sighed. "Just you and me, safe and sound."

He cupped his hand around my chin, pulling me into a passionate, long kiss. We broke away silently, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Why is it that you, of all things, could calm me down?" He chuckled. "Not even the most powerful demoness in any reality could do what you do. Of course, she would never match up to you."

"I love you Bill."

"I love you too doll." He said.

I drifted off to sleep listening to his heart beat.

Sorry Dipper, I won't be back until tomorrow's lunch...

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now