Close Call

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"Bill?" She asked, looking at me worriedly. "You've gone silent..."

"I-Sorry." I shook my head. "Just a lot going on."

"You seem upset? Can Demons even be upset?"

"Yeah." I chuckled nervously. "I-"

She kissed me, pulling away before I could kiss her back. Her eyes glew, as did mine. She blushed opening her mouth to speak, only for me to pin her against the wall and French kiss her. I backed away slowly, watching her face turn dark red.

"I-I'm sorry." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"No, don't be." She shook her head. "I-I liked it."

I could only smirk in a reply.

"Wanna catch a movie or something?"

"Sure." She shrugged.

The moment I snapped us to the theatre, I was bombarded by paparazzi. Apparently somebody had spread around that I was alive, and of course, the outside world heard about everything. Somebody knew we were going to the movies, and no doubt in my mind, was it Gideon.

"Sir, how did you take over gravity falls without punishment-"

The only thing going through my mind, was where (Y/N) was. I couldn't see her, nor could I hear her over everyone yelling and talking to me. I floated high in the air, landing on top of the roof of the building.

She was walking home, (F/C) flames coming out of her hands. She was walking to the Pines no doubt, it was the only place she could go to in this situation.

I quickly flew over to her, stopping in front of her as I put a barrier between them and the others.

"(Y/N) I didn't know this-"

"To think I actually almost trusted you." She shook her head. "Go ahead demon. Take over the world again why don't you, oh while your at it, kill me too!"

"I'm not like that anymore-"

"Then what changed?" She asked, crossing her arms.



This obviously wasn't what she was going for, and honestly, it confused her. She wouldn't understand, would she? No matter what I do, she won't understand what we had, what I-

No. I forced her into that relationship. There's no way she would... love me without a deal, right?

"Hey... Bill?" She asked, looking at the grounds she fidgeted with something in her pockets. "I-I was wondering what this was. Dipper hid it from me, and won't tell me anything about it... I was wondering if you knew anything about it?"

The world stopped.

She still had the bracelet...

After all this time... she had it...

"Bill?" She asked, snapping her finger. "I-I just figured because you had a tattoo of it on your back... and it has your initials..."

"I-I gave that to someone close to me a long time ago..." I sighed. "She probably doesn't even care for me anymore..."

"Bill, who couldn't care for you? Anybody who was close to you must be a lucky girl." She smiled, slightly blushing.

"I forced her into the relationship with a deal." I said, my fist clenching. "It was the only way she'd learn to love me... and I shut her out. I wiped her memories and now she won't ever know what we had."

Tears were flowing out of her, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She knew deep inside it was about her, perhaps not yet... but she will know soon... right?

"W-Why am I crying?" She questioned, shaking her head.

"She meant the world to me... and I let her go." I said continuing on. "God I'm so stupid!" I yelled. "She was perfect in every way, and yet... she's gone..."


"Sorry I got out of hand." I exhaled. "Maybe you should go back to the pines."

"What? Why would I do that?!"

"Because I can't take care of you." I said, a tiny bit of venom mixing into my words. "Go be happy, go be safe, go with people who aren't dangerous."


"Please... just go." I said, sliding along the wall, landing on the floor.

"No." She said, stomping her foot. "You of all people should understand that the past is the past. Aren't you like, as old as the timeline itself?! Get off your sorry ass, and find her! Show her how much she means to you! Even if it means that she doesn't understand, at least you aren't crying anymore Bill."

"She'll get hurt because of me..."

"Who cares? There's 7 billion people in this world Bill."

"But there's only one her..."

'God if only you knew (Y/N)... what we did together, how much I miss you, how much I care... it doesn't help that you don't know, and it's adorable that you're trying to help, but it's not working.'

She jumped back, landing her butt on the floor.

"S-Sorry!" She yelled. "I didn't mean to look into your mind! I- wait. Me?! It's my mind you erased?!"

"No." I said immediately.

"Tell me what you did to me." She said, very angrily.

"Nope." I said, snapping her back into the mystery shack.

"That was way to close..." I sighed.

"H-Hey Bill?" A voice asked, causing me to look up.

"Will?" I asked. "Don't tell me the twins are here too..."

"T-They wanted me to see if (Y/N) was still with you..." he said, truthfully. "Is she?"

"Nope." I sighed. "Not since last time at least."

"Awe how sad." Somebody said with fake sympathy. "Little Bill Cipher is sad..."

"Did she leave?" Evil Dipper said pinning Will to the wall.

"N-No! She wasn't here I swear!"

"He's telling the truth." I sighed standing up. "What do you guys want now?"

"You Cipher. We want you."

"As long as you keep your hands off her, do what ever you please to me." I sighed.

"Good." The smirked evilly.

"Unless you want us to kill her, I suggest you come with us." They smirked.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now