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Bills POV 

"Nemesis are you alright?" I asked the now bleeding demon.

She shook her head and continued walking.

"I gave half of my soul to a mortal."


"To be fair, it's an unborn mortal." She chuckled, only to cough up blood. "Her father was doing an experiment on the mother, when I tried to stop him. The only issue was, he tricked me."

"He took your soul." I gasped. "Where is he?! I'll kill him!"

"Cipher he's already dead." She sighed. "Karma is taking this part of my soul, and she wants the humans soul too. You cannot let that happen Cipher."

"Alright." I nodded.

I didn't even see Karma take the soul, I just heard a scream of bloody murder and watched my love fade into the darkness. A snickering laughter, and she disappeared.

Nothing of her was left behind.

Except the child's soul.

I would visit the mother every once in a while at night, never really getting a good look at her face, but still. It's the thought that counts.

She would cry at the loss of her husband, never realizing what he'd done. Had the baby not accepted the new soul, the mother, the child, and the soul would be lost.

Stupid scientist.

"Who are you?" The girl asked as I entered her mind.

She looked about the age of ten, even though she hadn't been born yet.

"I'm Bill." I smiled, crouching to her level.

"I don't have a name yet, mommy is still deciding what my daddy would do." She smiled. "What do you think I would be named?"

"I don't know my dear." I shook my head. "You won't remember any of this, will you?"

"Probably not." She chuckled. "Do you think Nemesis hates me?"

"Why would she hate you?"

"Because Daddy combined her soul with mine..."

"Jesus you are a smart child."

"Thank you!" She chirped.

"Nemesis only hates the bad guys. She wouldn't hate a kid, alright?"

She nodded her head.


"Yes my dear?"

"When I'm born, will you be there for me? Protect me until the end?"


"Shake on it." She said sternly.

"Alright." I shrugged.

That was the first time her powers came out. Both of our fires combining together into one, it was perfect. She smiled as I left her mind, utterly confused beyond belief.

"Karma what did I tell you." He sniffled in the hospital room. "Get out."

"Cipher you can't protect her soul forever."

"Of course I can." I shook my head, and stood up.

"Were you Crying?"

'Awe you were!' (Y/N) said in my mind.

"Just get lost." I huffed.

"Bill what are you doing here?" Sixer seethed.

"She's my girlfriend, of course I'd be here!" I snapped.

The twins flinched, causing the older twins to step in front of the two. I turned my back on them, looking back at my poor darling. I ran my hand through her hair, watching as teas ran down her face.

'I miss you.' She cried in my head.

"Bill?" Dipper said, clearing his throat. "If she trusts you, then I guess I do to."

I could feel Fords rage at this statement, causing me to chuckle.

"She only trusts me because in another life, she was my love." I said. "Nemesis was my love, and was taken by her father. She opted to erase her own memory, In order to save my darling (Y/N)."

"Awe! A tragic love story!" Mabel squealed, pulling up a chair.

"She used to visit me here, we fell in love through thick and thin. I wanted to let her stay forever, but you stopped that Ford. That's all right I guess, I wouldn't be able to have my darling if the plan worked."

'Do you really think of me like that? As just a past lover?'

"And she's way better than Nemesis, I wouldn't trade (Y/N) for my own life." I said. "I love her with all my heart."

Mabel was crying, Dipper was crying because he now couldn't have his crush, Ford was pissed that I loved her, and Stan didn't really care much. Yup. Sounds about right.

I entered her mind with ease, a perfect connection.

"You know Bill, it's strange. I can do what ever I want, feel how ever I want, but the one thing I want? Is you." She sighed.

The scene was a night sky, she was sitting in the middle of a clearing in the woods, sitting on a rock. She looked over at me and sighed, her eyes pleading for help.

"How long do I stay here for?"

"I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"Bill why won't you go home? You can do what ever you want without me."

"Because I made a promise to protect you. I made a promise never to leave you. And I would never leave my queen behind." I said, walking in front of her.

"I miss you." She said, hugging me tightly.

"I know." I replied, hugging her tighter.

We stood in silence as we cried, not letting go in fear of loosing each other. A scene from a movie, nothing could break us apart. Nothing would.

Nemesis is gone. And has been for so longs.

There's a new love, one I love more than anything I've ever cared about combined.

She is my everything.

My queen.

My life.

The Stars, the planets, the whole dimension itself, could not compare to the being I held in my arms today.

I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, only to see Ford with an empathetic smile.

I held my hand in hers as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry I underestimated you." He said simply. "I didn't think you had the ability to love, to cry even. But I suppose even I make mistakes."

I could only nod my head.

The Pines left the hospital, Tad coming in only a few minutes later.

"Bill you can't get attached to beings that will die off." He grunted. "This is what happens."

"We don't know for sure she will die of age Tad." I snarled. "Don't make assumptions."

"It's complete normal-"

"Don't tell me what's normal and weird Tad." I snapped. "Can't you just leave me alone for once?! The love of my life is in a hospital bed and you think now is the best time to tell me what I already know?!"

He sighed and walked out.

"I love you." I whispered.

'I love you too.' She said back.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now