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Bills POV

She was so young and naive then... always questioning everything, never ceasing to ask the large ones. She only wanted to make people happy, but it didn't go that way, did it (Y/N)?

Ever since she was born, I had my eyes on her. She wasn't purely human, rather, gifted in a sense. The glowing eyes gave it away, but the scent of her soul made it plain and obvious what she was.

"Be careful!" Her mother called to the young girl, who at the moment was climbing a tree.

"I don't have to be!" She yelled back. "I have an angel protecting me!"

The mothers eyes went wide as she realized the situation. She quickly told the girl to climb back down, but the girl slipped and fell. I had no choice but to appear, and catch her before she fell, carrying her over to her mother.

"You will not get her soul demon." The mother spat.

"I wasn't planning on taking it." I shook my head.

"Then why are you protecting her?"

"Because when the time comes, she shall be my queen." I smirked.

"Stay away from her Cipher." The mother growled as the child ran around the house in excitement.

"Hello!" She smiled. "I'm (Y/N)! Whats our name?"

"You'll find out soon enough darling." I smiled back. "As for you, I suggest you invest in gold, and hand her over when the time comes."

I disappeared back into the shadows, (Y/N) knew I was there, but she didn't care. She thought I was an angel...

"What?" She muttered. "The hell does-"

"Mommy why did he leave?" The girl asked.

"We need to leave. Now." The mother sighed.

"No!" She yelled, storm clouds swirling above them.

The sky was clear only a moment ago, and now there was a storm. She was causing it, her mother was freaking out, and the whole town was confused.

"Mister!" She called. "Please tell my mother that you'll always follow!"

"What's going on?" A neighbor asked.

"Her daughters a freak." Another replied.

The mother sighed and picked up her now screaming daughter and placed her into the car. The mother began driving off, sighing.

"What would your father think?" The mother muttered.

In truth, the father wouldn't think, for his minds long gone. He was so smart, and yet, so gullible too. He was at a lab with the girl, hoping to get her into science and other things, when his partner shot him behind his head.

The girls powers destroyed the lab, along with the man. The mother doesn't understand what happened, because I'm the one who brought her home. I placed her on the doorstep, and rung the door bell, and left.

"Would Daddy be proud?" The girl asked lowly.

"Of course he would!" The mother said.

He wouldn't be. He was trying to use her as an experiment without her consent. The 'killer' was actually a hero, but not to the small (Y/N) who only knew love and peace.

At age 10 she had moved across nearly every state. At one point, her mother decided to just live in a car, until she turned 17 she couldn't get a job, nor leave her with anyone else.

She had finally hit a wall. There was no where else to go except a small messed up town, who had seen stuff like this all the time. To them, she wouldn't be in danger. It was perfect.

A demon gave her life to you (Y/N). This was no curse, rather, a misfortunate gift. She was kind, but had a dark side like us all, but not to worry.

I will protect you if it means giving my own life.


"STUPID DEMON!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"(Y/N) you're-"

"Dipper did you know about this?"


"Did you know he took my memory?"


"Son of a bishop!" I screamed, punching a wall. "Sorry. I'll fix it."

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now