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"No Mabel, I won't go to the party." I shook my head.

Bill looked at me for a moment, with so much concern and confusion, and simply shook his head and walked off. I sighed and turned to Mabel, who was going on a rant about how I needed to socialize. She didn't realize what happened...

That was no dream, it was a vision. That is clearer than the clearest water on earth.

"Look I'm sorry Mabel, I'm just to busy ya know? I'm still discovering my powers and stuff and-"

"That doesn't matter!" She hissed. "This is supposed to be fun! Live a little-"

"Mabel, she doesn't want to go." Dipper sighed.

Currently we were in the shack. Bill came into the room every minute, probably to make sure I haven't been kidnapped or attacked. I think it's cute how paranoid he is, protecting me through everything...

"Awe~" he said, leaning on my shoulders as he levitated above the ground. "And here I thought I was loosing my touch~"

"I hate how cute you are." I huffed.

"Is my Rose blushing?" He asked, floating in front of me.

I turned my head quickly, causing hair to fall into my face.

"I was only playing darling..." He said quietly, moving the hair away delicately.

I stayed silent.

"Now I get the silent treatment?"


"Seriously?!" He sighed, landing back on the ground. "You're lucky I love you darling."

"Screw you." I said angrily.

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

"No!" I yelled. "God not yet!"


"Fuck off!"

"Only when I think of you-"

"What?!" Dipper yelled rushing into the room.

"Nope. I'm leaving." I said, throwing my hands in the air, and leaving.

"Yeah, I guess it's time to go anyway, you guys have a party to set up right?"

"Yeah." Mabel said angrily. "Glad someone cares."


"Don't." Bill whispered. "It'll only make it worse."

I kept walking. How long was it until Bill told me where I was even headed? Doesn't matter, I need this anyway. The calming silence between us was great for me anyway...

It gave me time to think.


"Bill?" I asked.

"Tired of thinking?" He chuckled.

"Stop going into my mind." I sighed.

"What did you want anyway?"

"To hear your voice."

He stood, stunned.

"What?" I asked, turning to him.

"And here I thought I couldn't love you anymore." He smiled.

"I think I figured out why you're so weird." I blurted. "Dreams can be really messed up, and you're a dream demon. Therefore you're as weird as a dream!"

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now