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She looked at him, took a sip of water, and proceeded to spit it onto the table. He cocked his head to the side while trying to hold back his laughter, and she could only stare at him.

"You for real?" She asked.


"Okay Mabel you can come out now. Jokes over." She began to shake.

"Are you okay-"



"Seriously this isn't funny Bill." She started to cry.

He stood up and covered her mouth before she could say more. He sighed and kept it there.

"This is real." He said smiling. "If you don't want to get married that's fine. We don't have too."

She couldn't help the tears that were falling. He couldn't help but feel anxious, something he's never felt before. She stood silently, admiring the triangle shaped ring the he held in his now sweaty fingers.

He was sweating.

"Yes." She said, breaking the silence.

His heart leapt as she leapt into his arms, falling against the floor as the ring tumbled out of his hand. The couple didn't even see another person enter, until she picked up the ring.

"Dippers missing." Mabel said, tears running down her face. "He's been replaced by this kid names Greg, they're back at the shack..."

In another place

"Mabel?!" Dipper called.

"Greg?" Another boy called.

"Who the hell are you?" The two said in unison.


"Wirt huh? That's a weird name." Dipper said without thinking. "I-I didn't mean-"

"It's alright." The older boy sighed.

"I'm Dipper." He said embarrassed. "So where are we?"

"The unknown I think." Wirt shrugged. "Did you hear that? It sounds like-"

"A crazy woods men." Dipper gasped. "Maybe it's Ford!"

"Ford? Please explain-"

"You two shouldn't be here." The man growled. "The beast is here, hurry!"


"There you are!" (Y/N) said, rushing from the path they had taken. "God Mabel's worried sick!"

Wirt stared at the older girl, a blush appearing on his face. Dipper also had a slight blush and turned away quickly. (Y/N) sighed and looked down, nothing was wrong, maybe the shorts she was wearing were a bit to short, but they shouldn't be-

She was wearing a tight shirt.

"Damnit Bill." She sighed, face palming. "Hey beast."

She was treated by silence as the Beast silently stood in the dark shade of the woods.

"Come on Bill-"

"Here." He said, panting. "Jesus kid, your brother is inhumanly hyper."

His face suddenly turned red as he looked at the girl standing next to him. He sighed, grabbed Dipper and her hands, and teleported back home.

"Go home, and stop thinking about my Fiancée like that." Bill snapped.

Your POV

Dipper looked down in embarrassment, only to be tackled by Mabel's tight hug. I blushed and walked to my room, sitting on my bed.

"Why didn't you tell me I forgot my sweater." I said as Bill walked in.

"It's not your fault those are hormonal teens." Bill laughed. "I thought they'd be more mature."

I sighed heavily and threw myself on my back, my hands above my head. I heard the door close, assuming Bill left the room. I couldn't have been more wrong. He let a low chuckle out, surprising me as e suddenly pinned my arms down as he laid on top of me.

I blushed as Bill began kissing down my neck, nipping at random points, only to his my sweet spot causing me to gasp. He immediately stuck his tongue in my mouth, wrapping it around my own tongue.

"Bill." A moaned muffle escaped.

My eyes changed to (F/C) as his one eye began glowing. A knock on my door caused him to sigh angrily and float over to the door.

"What." He snapped.

"Thank you." Mabel said, choking back tears. "I knew you could change."

"What?" He questioned. "What do you-"

"You fell in love, and now you're not the villain." She smiled, hugging him.

"If I'm not, who is?" He asked.

"Maybe there isn't a villain?" Mabel asked.

"Your welcome Kiddo. Go home." Bill said, removing her off him, and rushing back to my teary form.

"You are not the villain." He said seriously.

"You don't know that." I shook my head quickly.

"I do know that."

"No, you don't."

"Let's just say I have an in-"


"Jesus Christ. Someone get the super glue. We need to fix the fourth wall again!"

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now