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"Did you just tell me to suck a dick?!" Bill yelled, turning red.

I burst out laughing, falling to the floor, clutching my stomach. Tad looked at me confused, Bill was pissed.

"What would have happened if this thing did?!" He yelled.

"But he didn't." I gasped for air.

"You're luck that's not what your mind truly wanted." He sighed. "I've gatta go. Do not. Come after me."

"So come after you."

"No! I said don't!" He said, placing a hand on his head. "Tad take care of her, and do not let her come for me, okay?"


"Goodbye darling." He said, kissing my forehead and disappearing.

"We're going to find him." I said, standing up.


"Come on Tad-"

Blue chains wrapped around my arms, pulling me back from the door. I looked at Tad with anger. He sighed.

"Look, Bill has commanded me to make sure you don't-"

"Let me GO!" I yelled, breaking thought the chains. "You will listen to one person only, and that person is me. Don't you ever forget it."


"Excuse me?!" I yelled, pushing his chest back. "Did I say you could talk?!"


"Sorry." I said,  backing up. "Just... really emotional right now..."

"You don't have to explain yourself my queen." He said bowing. "Let's go find your king."


The area turned grey, signaling only one thing.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled. "I told you to stay put-"

"Shut up!" I yelled at him. "I'm coming to save you wether or not you want me to."

"You escaped Tad?"

"No, I made him listen to me instead of you." I stuck my tongue out. "So let me go, and nothing has to happen."

"Doll this is my dimension. And until you promise to-"

I opened my eyes to Tad carrying me through a pathway in the woods. He looked determined to make it there before sundown, which we had plenty of time to do anyway.

"Oh good." He said, setting me on the ground. "You're awake."

"Yeah." I sighed. "No thanks to Bill."

"Were almost there." He said, helping regain balance.

"Good." I sighed.

'(Y/N) please!' I heard Bill beg in my mind.

'No.' I snapped.

'Turn back'

'No. End of discussion.'

"Stop." Bill said, appearing in front of me.

I kept walking, this was in my mind, he wasn't really in front of me.

"(Y/N)." He snarled.

I kept my mouth shut, and eyes forward.

"Goddamnit (Y/N) you're going to get yourself killed! I left FOR YOU. Go home!"

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now