The doors

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She was tossing and turning all night. There's no way she could sleep like this. He sighed and entered her mind, only to find, she wasn't sleeping. Rather, she was reliving a memory, something even he cannot control.

"Hey." He said, sitting next to her as they watched the smaller (Y/N).

"I wish life could go back to being this simple." She replied as the girl nearly fell out of a tree.

It was only then that (Y/N) noticed something. Bill had kept her from falling out of that tree. Bill had been sitting there the whole time watching her, protecting her.

(Y/N) gasped at this realization, causing Bill to be worried. Normally he liked her in this state, she would grab onto him for safety, but this was a different fear. It was of him once again.

"What's wrong?"

"Y-You've been stalking me my whole life?!" She hissed.

"You have to understand-"

"Was that bracelet your way of finally telling me my fate was sealed? Did I have no option but to take the deal?"

"No!" He sighed.

"It glew when I went near it. Why."

"I created it for my girlfriend long ago. She wore it every day, even during her dying days. The last place I ever saw her was in that attic, I never went near it until you showed up in gravity falls." He explained.

"Her soul was combined with yours, she must have compelled you to take it as your own. I'm sorry." He finished quietly.

"So basically you protected me because I'm half of your girlfriend. What's next? I become half of a fucking gem?" She yelled. "Bill why didn't you trust me with this information?! My mother told me that you were just an imaginary friend I had as a Kid. I thought it was a coincidence that your name was Bill..."

"I know." He said sadly. "I know I wronged you by withholding that information, I was afraid you'd... You'd die...."

"From what?"

"Yourself." He whispered.

Her eyes widened as she understood what he meant. The prices clicked into the puzzle, he only wanted to help, and she yelled at him. The thought broke her down into tears, and for the first time since she woke up, he was crying as well.

The memory faded and left the two in the empty mind space, with five doors. This was a place in her mind he had never seen before, perhaps it was because she was vulnerable at the moment.

The doors were labeled Secrets, Love, Hate, Memories, and Nemesis. He whispered his ex lovers name curiously, wiping the tears off his face, and walking to the door.

"You still care for her don't you." (Y/N) sniffled.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't."

"I didn't even know this place existed." She chuckled. "And to think of how many times I've been in my mind."

He turned away from the door and looked at her. Her cheeks were stained with tears, her eyes were red, and yet she still smiled. He could only walk to her, hand kneel while holding her hand.

"You are my queen." He said in a serious tone. "What ever is behind that door, I don't care about anymore. I care about you, and only you."

"Come on." She said, rolling her eyes. "If you feel that bad about going through that door, I'll go too."

He shook his head.

"There's no telling what's behind there. For all we know, Karma could be there, and we'd be screwed."

"So what?"

"Curiosity killed the cat." He sighed.

"Satisfaction brought it back." She smirked. "Come on! Let's just get it over with."


But it was too late.

She opened the door.

And they both were pulled into the dark room.

"Hello, Cipher." A voice echoed through the area.

"Nemesis." He replied, taking off his hat and bowing.

Human Bill Cipher x Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now