You Find Out

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Jesse Mccree

3:12 A.M.
(Y/N) was leaning against the bathroom wall, panting. She woke up feeling nauseous and headed to the bathroom, only to throw up her guts (whatever was in her stomach, not her actual guts for those who don't get it 🐺). "What did I eat?" (Y/N) moaned, feeling like she was going to throw up again. "Maybe I'll call Mercy." (Y/N) got off the flushed the toilet and washed her mouth out. Pulling out her phone, she dialed Mercy's Office phone.

Ring Ring.....


"Mercy, it's (Y/N) I need to talk to you."

"Sure what's u-.. why are you up so early?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh, do you have insomnia."

"No, I've been waking up early in the morning and throwing up for a week now."

"I see, when's the last time you and Mccree had sex?"

"Um......last week, before he went on his mission......why do you ask?"

"Because you could be pregnant."

"Ooooh.....wait WHAT!"

"They only way you would know is if you took a pregnancy test."

"So let me get this straight, your telling me that I could be pregnant."

"Yep, now go take a test and tell the results."

"Uh.....o-ok, bye."


(Y/N) sat on the bed, "Pregnant.....I'm gonna be a mommy." (Y/N) got up and threw on some clothes and went to the store.

Back at Home

(Y/N) paces back and forth waiting for her results. "I'm not ready for a baby I?" She looked at her phone, walking to the bathroom. Picking up the stick, it's positive........

Ring Ring......

"Hey, did you take it?"



"It's positive...*sniff*"


"Thank you."

"Well I got to run, I'm needed I'll check up on you later, bye!"

(Y/N) stared crying, "I have to tell Mccree, but what would he say? Does he even want a baby? Will he still love me?"  These thoughts troubled you as you tried to go back to sleep, "How am I going to tell him?"

Gabriel Reyes

(Y/N), was a hundred percent sure she was pregnant and Gabriel knew it to. You were quick to pick it up after you and Gabriel had sex and the condom broke, but you two didn't find out the morning. Yet here you were, coming back from from a mission with blackwatch, passed out. It's 2:00 in the morning and you're now getting back from a mission, Mccree had to carry you to the infirmary.

*Timeskip* The Infirmary

(Y/N), groaned as her eyes where greeted with a  glare of white light, "Oh, (Y/N) you're awake! How do you feel?" Angela asked, while doing some blood work. "Better, than I felt this moring." (Y/N) sat up. "Well I have good news good news." "The good news is your 3 months pregnant, the not so good news have to sit behind a desk for 4 and half months." (Y/N) groaned, "Dangit, I hate paperwork." "You seem pretty calm about the pregnant part." Angela raises an eyebrow, "Did you know you were pregnant?" "No, but me and Gabe thought I might have been, especially since the last time we did "it" the condom snapped." (Y/N) sighed, "I'm going to die, I can't do paperwork." Angela lauged, before she could make a joke about it, Gabriel burst through the infirmary doors. His eyes landed on (Y/N), "(Y/N) what happened? Are you ok?" Angela smiled and stood up, "I'll leave you two alone." Gabriel took a chair and sat next to (Y/N)'s bed. "Gabriel I'm fine." (Y/N) reassured him, "But next time, check the condom." Gabriel kisses and hugs you.


(Y/N) stared at the pregnancy test in her hand, her eyes stay on the two lines. It's not that she was worried about telling Hanzo, she knew he wanted a child. But she wasn't .
sure if she was ready to be a mom. Just then the front door opened, "Sakura, I'm home." Hanzo took off his shoes and walk toward her. (Y/N) hid the pregnancy test behind her back, "Hello my dragon." She smiled as Hanzo kissed her forehead, "I was just about to start dinner." "Would you like some help?" "N-No thank you, I'm good." (Y/N) says as she dashes to the kitchen. As she reached the kitchen she felt a strong pair of arms around he waist, "Is something wrong." Hanzo asked worriedly, he rests his chin on (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) shakes her head no, "Nothing is wrong, can I please start dinner now?" "Yes dear." Hanzo loosens his grip from (Y/N)'s waist, "When you want to talk let me now." He kisses (Y/N) on her cheek and walks to the bedroom. "I'll tell him after dinner." (Y/N) thought


(Y/N), dashed down the hall to Mercy's  Office, "ANGELA!" "(Y/N)!, what's wrong?!" She jumped. "Nothings wrong, but something is right." (Y/N) giggles. "Calm down and tell me everything!" She said, starting at (Y/N) with excitement. "Ok, so you know how Genji and I wanted a baby right?" Angela nods, "Well I took the pregnancy test and it came out positive!" "Oh, (Y/N) CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you!" Angela pulls her into a tight hug. "Thank you." (Y/N) smiled, "I'm just dying to tell Genji when he gets back from his mission." "Oh, when does he come back?" Angela asks. "He should be back tonight." (Y/N) said, "I'm going to surprise him." "Ok have fun." Angela laughed. "I will." (Y/N) giggled as she walked out the office. "Genji-kun you're in for a real surprise." (Y/N) thought to herself as she skipped happily to the hall.


"So what wrong with me Doc?" (Y/N) asked nervously, "Is it a virus or the flu?" Angela sighs, "For the hundredth time, I don't know yet the test results aren't done." "I'm sorry, I'm just scared it will be something really bad." (Y/N) twiddles her thumbs, "So when will it be done?"


"Now." Angela reads the results, then shouts, "CONGRATULATIONS!" And hugs you. (Y/N) stares at Angela, "Um....thanks?" "I'll see you for you first check-up next month." Angela smiles. "Hey doc not to ruin the moment but what's going on?" (Y/N) asked. "Oh....right, You're pregnant!" Angela smiles. "I'M WHAT?!" (Y/N) feels tears form in her eyes, "I'm" Feeling tears stream down her face, (Y/N) smiled and places a hand on her stomach. "What til I tell Lucio." (Y/N) thought to herself as she rubbed her belly.

Jack Morrison

"(Y/N), we need to talk when I get home." Jack stated, as he drove home from work. "Bye." (Y/N) hung up and continued throwing up. "There's no way Jack found out about this, he doesn't know I'm pregnant. But now that I think about it I have been moody and hungry alot." (Y/N) leaned against the tub, whipping away a strand of saliva from her lips. "Guess there's no point in hiding it from him." (Y/N) chuckled to herself, she flushed the toilet and drink some water. (Y/N) yawned and crawled back into bed and fell fast alseep.

*1 hour later*

Jack opens the door to the house and sighs, he closes the door behind him and kicks off his boots. He passes the kitchen and heads upstairs, when he opens the door he sees (Y/N) fast alseep. Jack chuckles to himself and plants a kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. "I guess our talk can wait." He takes off his shirt and crawls into to bed, he pulls her into his chest and knocks out within seconds.

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