Baby Is Born

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"Are you sure (Y/N)?" Mccree groaned, "This is kinda stupid." "That's why you're doing it not me." (Y/N) sighs, "You've done it before so when are you worrying?" "Because you're spinning me around and I'm gonna get dizzy and blindly try to shoot at targets." He groaned, "I don't want you to get hurt." "Pfft..I'm not gonna get hurt, I'll be in the other room." (Y/N) smiled and kissed Mccree. "Ok just stay out of the room." (Y/N) nodded and left the room.

15 minutes later

"How'd I do?" Mccree took the blindfold off. "Same as always, hit all the targets." (Y/N) smiled. "As always." He chuckled. (Y/N) suddenly fell on her knees and clutched her stomach and pain. "(Y/N) are you ok?" Mccree kneeled down next to her. "I think my water just broke." (Y/N) cried. "O-ok don't panic." Mccree picked up (Y/N) and carried her to the infirmary.

12 hours later:
After 12 hours of labor you have given birth to twins, two boys. Your first son's name is Sam, he has (Y/C) hair and (Y/C) eyes. Your second son's name is Mathew and looks exactly like Mccree. "Aren't they beautiful." (Y/N) smiled as her newborns. Mccree smiled as tears slid down he cheek, "Yes they are."


Rubbing his tired eyes, Gabriel looked at the clock.
Sighing he closed his laptop and leaves.

At Home

Gabriel walks to the bedroom, when he opens the door he find (Y/N) awake and watching TV. "Mi amor, shouldn't you be sleeping?" He climbs into bed and rest his head on her lap. "You're child is keeping me awake." (Y/N) rubbed her belly. Gabriel chuckled, "Can't be mine, you like to bother me in the morning about cravings." (Y/N) pretends to be hurt, "Well it's not my fault the condom snapped." "Yes it is." He laughed. "And how is that my fault?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Because you were so hot, that the condom couldn't take it, so it snapped." (Y/N) blushed, "Not in front of the baby." "You stared it." He yawned. (Y/N) laughed and kissed Gabriel's forehead, she suddenly felt a liquid pool under her. "Uh....I think my water broke." (Y/N) she clutched her stomach in pain. Gabriel shot up, "Now?!" "No, I'm simply peed the bed...OF COURSE NOW!" (Y/N) groaned in pain, Gabriel bolted out of bed grabbed the baby bag and car keys and helped (Y/N) to the car.

At the Hospital

"Gabriel it hurts." (Y/N) cried. "I know, but you have to keep pushing." He tired not to show he was in pain, because (Y/N) was crushing his hand. "The baby's almost out, push!" A nurse said. "WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING! DON'T GET SMART WITH ME YOU'RE NOT HAVING THE BABY I AM!" (Y/N) gave a final push.

*baby cries*
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Reyes it's a girl." The nurse smiled and handed the baby to Gabriel, he hesitated but eventually took his daughter from the nurse. "She looks like her daddy." (Y/N) panted. Gabriel cried manly tears as he held his new born daughter, "She has you're eyes." "What are you going to call her?" The nurse asked. "Gabriella Reyes." (Y/N) smiled as Gabriel handed little Gabriella to her." "I like it." Gabriel kissed (Y/N) on her forehead. "Hi little Gabi." He rubbed his newborn's cheek. She open her eyes and smiled at her parents before drifting off to sleep.


(Y/N) sat on the sofa cuddling with Hanzo, he really preferred to be training now but how could he resists spending time with his Sakura.



"You can go train if you want, I don't wanna hold you back."

"I would go, but I feel to comfortable to move right now." He pulled pulled you closer and rubbed your swollen belly. "I can't wait to see you." (Y/N) giggled as Hanzo talked to her baby belly." Hanzo kissed her belly. (Y/N) felt a pain in her stomach and a thick liquid leak out of her, she held her stomach and nearly fell off the couch had Hanzo not caught her. "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" (Y/N) shook her head, "I think the baby's coming." Hanzo lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots/ Scenarios (Baby Daddy Version)Where stories live. Discover now