You Find Out Pt 2

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4:30 in the Morning

Reinhardt rubbed your back


"Are you all right mein geliebte?"

You shook your head.

"Would you like some water."

"Yes." You leaned against the tub, beads of sweat slide down her face. She rested her head on her arm, feeling the urge to throw up again, it was weird because you didn't eat anything before you went to bed, but you missed you period. You wanted to stop, your head throbbed, your vision blurred and then darkness.

1 hour later

Reinhardt held your hand as you lay on the bed, you wake up feeling a little better, still a little nauseous. "(Y/N) are you awake?" "Yes." You attempt to sit up, Reinhardt noticed and helped you sit up. "Are you sure, I can call take you to the doctor if you want." "No, I just need to rest. I feel tired." You rub your tired eyes and lay back down, Reinhardt lays in bed next to her and rubs her back.

"Rein, when the last when's the last time we did it?"


"When's the last time we had sex."

"Uh......last week, why?"

"I wondering if I could be pregnant."


"Yeah but I won't know until I get my period."

"Hm...well if you are pregnant, I would like a little girl. I will be her knight." Reinhardt chuckled, "Or a boy, so I can have a little knight myself." "You're getting ahead of your self dear." You giggle, but you did want to have a baby.

"Ok Ms. (L/N) the results of your blood work are back and I have some good news." The doctor smiled, "You're pregnant!" Your jaw dropped, "Pr-P-Pregnant!" "Yep, I'll see you in three weeks." She smiled and handed the results to you. Looking at the results again you smiled, but then frowned. "I'm going to kill Jamison when I get home." You made your appointment for three weeks and left, you unlock you phone and call Junkrat.

J: Hey baby, what's up?

Y: I'm going to kill you.

J: What?

Y: I'm Going to kill YOU!

J: Why? What I do?

Y: *Hang up*

All the color from Junkrat's face drained, he stood frozen in place. "Crap..I'm gonna die."

You sat on the couch, looking at you calender. "Huh, I missed my period." "You what?" Roadhog looked at you. "I missed my period, I mean I didn't get it at all this month." Roadhog rubbed your back, "Have you ever missed your period before." He asked, you shake your head no. "I'll be back." He gets up a gets on his bike, "I'm gonna grab somethings from the store." He rode off.

1 hour later
"(Y/N), I'm back." Roadhog walked in the carrying a bag. "What's in the bag?" You ask, curiously. "I got you four pregnancy test." He handed you the bag. "PREGNANCY TEST...FOUR!" You nearly drop the bag, "You think I'll pregnant." "Well you missed your period and the only explanation to that is you're pregnant." He pat your back.  "Ok, I'll take them." You take them and wait for your results. "' you want kids?" You stare at the floor. "If it's positive, I wouldn't mind. The thought of having a kid is terrifyingly because I'm a criminal and we live in the middle of nowhere." He sat next to you, "And it's negative, it's negative we can try for kids another time." You were pulled into a reassuring hug. ", I'm gonna go check the tests." You get up head to the bathroom, the first test was positive, the second test...positive, third test positive, and the four....positive.


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