You Tell Him

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Ok, I know the last one kinda short, but really couldn't think of any thing at the moment soooo..........don't judge me. Any way, I'm gonna try to update as much as I can,  but you know homework and college searching can be time consuming


"(Y/N), I'm home!" Mccree closes the door behind and walked to the kitchen, "Smells good in here." (Y/N) smiles, as Mccree kisses her neck. "Mccree."


"I need to tell you something."

"What is it darlin?"

(Y/N) takes a deep breath, "I'm pregnant!"

"........" Mccree, stares at (Y/N) in shock, " a-a dad." (Y/N) nods, Mccree picks her up swings her around. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" (Y/N) giggled, "I guess I had nothing to worry about." Mccree kisses (Y/N) on the lips, "I love you." "I love you to." (Y/N) smiles.

Gabriel Reyes

"So, why did you pass out during the mission?" Gabriel asks, running his hands through her hair. "Because you got me pregnant." (Y/N), stuck her tongue out. "Oh, so I did get you pregnant." He sighs, (Y/N) giggles. "Well I guess that means that you're gonna helping me out with paperwork." (Y/N) playfully slapped Gabriel's chest, "You're the worst." "You know you love me." He kisses her neck, "And I know the baby will love me to." "Whatever." (Y/N) rested her head on his shoulder. "Papi."


"I'm hungry."



At dinner
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Hanzo asked, as he comforted his sobbing wife. (Y/N) wiped tears from her eyes, "Hanzo, I-I'm pregnant." She chocked. "What?!"

"I'm preg...mph." (Y/N) was cut off by Hanzo's lips. "Sakura, that's wonderful." He hugs her, "So why are you crying." "Because..*sniff* I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother." (Y/N) sobs. "(Y/N), look at me." You'll be a great mom, our child will love you." Hanzo kisses (Y/N)'s forehead, "I know you will." (Y/N) buries her face into Hanzo's chest, "Really?" "Yes." Hanzo chuckles. "Now can we eat." (Y/N) wipes tears from her eyes and nods. "Love you Hanzo." "I love you to (Y/N)."


Genji sighed and fell face first on the bed. "What a day, I really don't want to do anything right know." Genji groaned, "Hm, I wonder where (Y/N) is?" The front door opens and closes, "I guess that's her." He rolled off the bed and walked down the hall, "Hello Suiren." Genji smiled. "Genji-kun, your back." (Y/N) jumped on Genji, accidentally knocking him over. "Sorry, I'm just really happy!" "I could tell." Genji chuckles. "Genji I have a surprise for you." (Y/N) giggles. "But you have to answer a riddle." Genji took off his mask, "Ok." "I take two people to make, but one to carry me. I stay inside a warm place, where I grow for 9 months. When you find out I'm her, you make plans for me. When I come into this world, I'll see my awesome cyborg dad and my beautiful mom." Genji pondered this information for a minute then (Y/N) took his hand and put it on her stomach. Genji stared at her then glanced to where his hand was, then it hit him (it's about time Genji) "You.....mean...I-I'm gonna be a father?" (Y/N) nods her head yes, she should embraced in a tight hug. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" Tears now flowing from Genji's eyes and he kisses (Y/N)'s lips.


"Lucio." (Y/N) rips his headphones off his head making him jump. "Oh, (Y/N)'s you." (Y/N) giggled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "It's ok, so what's up?" He kisses her cheek. "I have a question for you." (Y/N) plays with his locks. "Ok ask away."

"Do you want to be a dad?"


"Do you want kids?"

"Hold up where did this come from?"

"I'll tell you after you and answer the question."

"Uh....okaay, yeah I want to have kids and yes I want to be a dad. Especially cause I'll be an awesome dad." He flexed his muscles, "I mean look at these guns, plus having a kid means I'll have a mini Lucio or (Y/N) to teach how to play music and dance." "So if I told you I'm pregnant you'd be happy." (Y/N) smiles. "Duh, have you not been listening to what I said." He kisses (Y/N)'s nose and hugs her. "Lucio I'm pregnant." Lucio froze, "What......y-you mean I-I'm really g-gonna be a dad!" (Y/N) nods her head, Lucio picks her up and swings her around. "YES YES YES YES YES, HA I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" Lucio danced around the living room, "(Y/N) I love you sooooo much." (Y/N) giggles and watches Lucio go crazy, "I'm gonna be a dad HEY! Your gonna be a mom OH YEAH!" (Y/N) just watched Lucio, until he wore himself out.

Jack Morrison

3:42 A.M.
"Bleh *cough cough*" (Y/N) rests her head on the toilet seat." "(Y/N), are you ok?" Jack rubs (Y/N) back as she vomited again. "Well..I might as well...tell you." (Y/N) throws up again. "Tell me what?" He pulled (Y/N) into his chest. "That I'm........pregnant." (Y/N) quickly turned her head towards the toilet and threw up. "PREGNANT!" Jack looked at (Y/N) in disbelief, "Babe that's great." (Y/N) groaned, "No its not. I'm going to die." "No you're not." He laughed. "I don't like mornings and now I have to sit behind a desk for....GOD KNOWS HOW MANY MONTHS!" (Y/N) threw up again, Jack rubbed her back. "You can kill me later." He chuckled, "I love you." "I hate you." (Y/N) hissed as Jack kissed her forehead. "I know you mean love."

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