How it Happened Pt 2

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P.S. this gonna be a younger Reinhardt and the Roadhog story is short


Normal POV
(Y/N) lay quietly in a white field of daisies, the sweet scent of spring filled the air. The birds chirps happy melodies and the busy bees buzzed by. (Y/N) sighed, "Why can't every day be like this?" "Because mein geliebte." A strong pair of arms scoop her up, "I wouldn't be able to cuddle with you when it snows or rain and when it's windy I wouldn't be able to hold you tight and never let go." Reinhardt kisses you pink lips. "You're so poetic." (Y/N) giggles and Reinhardt smiles. "My poetry is only for you my dear." He chuckled as he carried her to the house and gently laid her on the couch. He sat next to her and moved to his side to sit on his lap, "Hey Rein?"


"How much do you love me?"

"My love for you is bigger than the universe, I'd do anything for you." He kisses her neck.

"Rein..stop." (Y/N) giggles as Reinhardt attempts to kiss her lips while tickling her sides. He finally manages to pull her in very heated and passionate kiss. She moaned, "Rein..." Reinhardt pulled away and attacked her neck, (Y/N) could feel a tent forming underneath her dampening area. "Rein.....lets take this to the bed." (Y/N) moaned. "Yes my Queen." He chuckled and carried you bridal style to your shared bedroom.
(So the night went well, except for the fact that you felt something was still inside of you, when you finished hours ago. But you got breakfast in bed and cuddles.)


Normal POV
It's Saturday afternoon and (Y/N) sat on the couch reading a book in peace until......

"(Y/N)!! I'M HOME!!" Junkrat shouts as he kicks the door open. "Jamison how many times do you have to go over this, STOP BREAKING MY DOOR!" She yanks his ear. "OW OW OW! OK I'm sorry!" (Y/N) let's go of his ear, "You miss me?" "Nope, not one bit." (Y/N) smiled and Junkrat pretends to be hurt, "Ok maaaybe a little bit." "Aw, you love me." He kisses her lips. "You're need to take a bath....and would it kill you to brush once and a while." (Y/N) gagged. "But I don't wanna.." He whined. "Don't care you reek, Bath! NOW!" (Y/N) dragged Junkrat to bathroom, "Stop struggling." "NEVER, I DON'T WANNA TAKE A BATH! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" He screamed and kicked. "If you don't take a bath and swear Jamison I'll pour out all the beer I bought for you." She warned. "OK! I'll take bath." He huffed, "But on one condition, you have bathe with me." (Y/N) stopped, "F-Fine." She continues to drag Junkrat top the bathroom, her face tinted pink. Once reaching the bathroom, Junkrat kicked off his shorts and gear. He watched (Y/N) turn on the water, "Need help?"


"I meant, do you need help undressing?" He smirked and wrapped his hand around her waist, he kissed her neck making her shiver. "I-I can undress m-mm-myself." (Y/N) moaned as Junkrat's hand slid into her pants and snaked down into her wetness. "You're wet (Y/N) and you haven't even got in the water yet." (Y/N) moaned, "You have ten seconds to get in the tub Jamison or I won't let you fuck me senseless." With that Junkrat hopped into the tub in seconds and watched (Y/N) strip. She stepped into the tub, "Ready?" "Hell yes."

(After 3 rounds in the tub you were really pruney, do you both got out and continued in bed, long story short you past out at round 5)


Normal POV

(Y/N) sat by Roadhog as he fixed his bike, "Wretch." She handed him the wretch, "What happened to your bike?" "Jamison happened." He grunted. "Screwdriver." "It's on your right." She kicked it towards him. "Thanks." He continued to work on his bike, he sighed. "Look (Y/N), this is gonna take some time and I'm kinda not in a good mood so......could you please give me some time alone?" "Sure, don't spend to long on the bike." She walked into the cabin. Roadhog sighed, "This is going to take some time."

6 hours later

"That should do." Roadhog sighed, he wiped the oil grease off his hands and walked into the cabin. "Oh, your done." (Y/N) smiled, "Did you fix your bike?" "Yeah." He sat next to (Y/N) and took off his mask, "I'm tired." (Y/N) kissed his cheek, "You want me to get you something to eat?" He smirked, "Yes." He pulled onto his lap and hungerly kissed her, only separating for small breaths. He squeezed her butt, making her squeak when she felt  something poke her wet entrance. "You're gonna be my main course." He chuckled.
(Soooo after a few rounds you looked like a stuffed turkey on Thanksgiving)

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