McCree x Reader Fluff

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Requested by PARAMOREGIRL1234

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McCree sat in the kitchen counter looking through his phone for cake recipes. "Let's see about I make her......a chocolate cake since she likes chocolate....yep chocolate." Taking the ingredients off the pantry shelf and grabbing a cake pan, a spoon, and mixing bowl. He added all ingredients together and mixed them. He then turned on the oven and put the cake in, while the cake baked he made chocolate icing and placed it in the freezer.

30 minutes later

McCree takes the cake out of the oven and accidentally drops the hot cake pan on his foot, making him stumble backwards and slam into the refrigerator door. Causing the freezer door to open and the icing to fall out and land on his head, thankfully it had solidified so it didn't spill all over the place but it was hard as a rock. "Ouch." He rubbed his sore foot, "Stupid cake pan." Luckily the cake pan fell on its bottom so the cake was fine, unlike McCree's swelling foot. Picking up the hot pan, McCree turned off the oven and let the cake while he tried to thaw out the icing. "I'll just put this in the microwave." He put it in the microwave forgetting to take the spoon he used in the frozen mold. "Three minutes should do it." He walked out the kitchen and flopped onto the couch til he heard


Then the fire alarm went off, McCree bolted to the kitchen to find the microwave was on fire. He dashed to the sink, filled a cup, and threw it at the fire. It made the flame bigger (never throw water on an electrical fire kids), McCree panicked and grabbed a fire extinguisher that was under the sink and sprayed the fire and unplugged the microwave. "Damn, (Y/N) is gonna kill me." He groaned and started icing her cake with a knife, then accidentally dropped it and it landed point down and cut his foot. "Shit!" He grunted as he picked up the knife. "Today just hates me."


(Y/N) unlocked the front door to find a broken McCree on the floor. She rushes over to him, "McCree what happened to you?" He didn't answer he rested his head on you lap. "It's quite long story, oh I made you a chocolate cake." You smile, "You're so sweet, but let's let's take care of you first." You help him stand and walk him to the bathroom to clean his cut and swollen blue and purple foot and the bump on his head. Then you had some cake and it tasted awful, you didn't tell him because of the day he was having. So you sucked it up and ate it any, because he put though into. You spent the rest of the day taking care of your hurting cowboy and you didn't even bring up the burned microwave.

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