Daddy Pt 1

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Love this picture, sadly I didn't draw it, because I can't draw people or anime.......YET! Also sorry for the long hiatus.


McCree sat on the couch watching some cowboy si-fi show while the boys ran around the house, You were on a mission and wouldn't be back for two weeks. Thus leaving McCree to watch the kids and leading up to now....

"Okay at the count of ten we draw." Sam giggled and his brother adjusted his belt. "Ready?"




Mathew and Sam both pull out water guns and chase each other back and forth spraying eachother. After their guns ran out of water they decided to switch to hide and seek. "I count and you hide." Mathew ran to his parents room and hid under the bed while Sam counted. " or not here I come. Sam look in his closet, the kitchen, under McCree's hat. Suddenly Sam got an idea, "I'm taking this, I give it back when I'm done." McCree didn't hear because he was asleep. Sam took the hat and ran off to his parents room, "Hey Matt I got daddy's hat." "Really!" Mathew shot out from underneath the bed. "Found you." Sam giggled. "Hey you teated." Mathew whined, "That's not fair, I'm telling." "I'm sowy, but it was the only way to show you that I got daddy's hat." Sam put the hat on his head, "See." " actually got it." Mathew giggled, "Oh you'll never guess what I founded under mommy and daddy's bed." Sam put on the cowboy hat, "What?" "Candy!" Mathew smiled as he pulled the box out from under the bed and opened it. "Wow! I've neber seen this candy before." Sam grabbed a condom packet and opened it, "This looks weird." Sam popped the condom in his mouth and then spit it out, "'s yucky." Mathew sighed. "Mat! Sam! What are you doing?" McCree pushes the door open and nearly died. "Where did you get those?" Both boys point to the box, "Ugh your mother is going to kill me. Ok lets give them to daddy and don't tell mommy and I'll let you guys can have McDonald's." "Yay." Sam and Mathew throw away the chewed up condoms and and gave the box of condoms to McCree. "Now go put you're shoes on so we can go." "Yay McDonald's!"


It's six o'clock in the morning as Gabriella makes her way to her parents room, she hugged her teddy bear tightly and she pushed the door open. "Daddy?"

"Hm...mija it's six in the morning, why are you awake?"

"I had bad dream." She sniffed, tears forming in her eyes


"Can I stay in here with you?"

"I was just getting up to work out Gabi, but you can tell me about your bad dream." Gabe picks up Gabriella and walked to the basement. Gabe placed her onto of a work bench and sat next to her. "So what was the dream about?" He said, picking up two weights. "I dreamed that you went on a mission and never came back." Tears sliding down her face, "And...and...all this red stuff was falling from the sky....and then...." Gabriella sobs, "You dissappear into to it!" Gabriel rubs his daughters back, "Sshh..mija it's just a dream,I always comeback from missions. I'd never leave you alone." Gabi buries her face into Gabe's chest. "Daddy don't leave me alone! Don't ever leave me alone." Gabriel pulled Gabri onto his lap and rested her head on his chest. "Ssshh, I'm not going anywhere, I promise I'm gonna be here for you and mommy." He kisses her forehead, "I you Gabi, nothing could take me away from you." "Pinky Promise?" Gabriella sniffed and held out her pinky. "Pinky promise." Gabe wrapped his pinky finger with Gabriella's. (On a side note.....GABE IS A HUGE SOFTY 😝😝😝😝)


"Otosan...*pokes Hanzo's face*..Otosan wake up." Ryu huffs and smacks Hanzo with a pillow, he groaned and rolled over. "Ryu it's four o'clock in the morning go back to bed." "He's your son..up before sunrise." She yawned. "I just got back from a mission." Hanzo pulled (Y/N) closer and groaned, "Do I have to?" "You promised you'd teach me archery." Ryu whined. "There's your answer." You giggle. "Alright I'm coming." Hanzo yawned and put on his slippers. "Tea first."


3 Hours Later

"Alright, now line up your arrow with the target, pull back, and....release!"


"Arg! I suck at this." Ryu frowned, Hanzo ruffed his hair. "Your doing good, now aim for the bullseye." Ryu reloaded and pulled his arrow back released it.


"I missed again!" Ryu's eyes began to water, "I'm never going to get this." Hanzo pulled Ryu into a reassuring hug, "You'll get it eventually...I didn't become a excellent archer overnight, things like this take time." Hanzo sighs, "Let's take a break and go eat, I'm sure your mother is awake and cooking." Ryu nods and Hanzo wipes tears from his eyes, "Otosan will I ever be an excellent archer like you?" "I'm sure you'll be better than me, my son but you still have a ways to go." Hanzo chuckled. "Otosan you're mean to me." Ryu huffs, "But I will be better than you." "I look forward to it." Hanzo laughed.

You wanted a girls day out with Angela, but instead you got a four day cruise to Barbados. So Genji is watching Hitomi for four days and nights without you.

"Daddy, I'm hungry can I have snack?" Hitomi asked. "It's almost lunch Hito and I'm making ramen, can you wait a little while?" Genji sighed. "Ok daddy, I'll go play with Sushi." Hitomi ran off to find Sushi.

15 Minutes Later

"Hito...lunch is ready."

"Coming daddy." Hitomi hopped down stairs, "Daddy look my dragon popped out." Hitomi's dragon slithered up her arms and make the face.

"So cute....what are you going to her?"


"She watches to much Naruto, Hanzo's gonna kill me again."

"I change my mind I want to name him......Noodles!"

"Yep she's definitely my child." Genji sighed, "Ok dragon tamer, it's lunch time." "Yay! Come on noodles you can sit on my lap." Soba appears on Genji's shoulder and rubs up against his cheek and made the face. "We're gonna have a lot of work to do with those two." Soba nodded.

"Ok make sure to..."

"I know babe reeeelaax. You haven't even made it out the door yet and you're already worrying." Lucio sighed. You sigh, "I'm sorry, it's just I never left you and Jamie alone for few days before." "I know." He kisses your lips, "Just go and relex, we be fine right Jamie?" "Yeah!" He giggled, "Daddy said we get pizza for dinner." "Sounds like fun, be good for daddy okay?" You kiss Jamie's pudgy cheek. "Otay mommy, I be good." Jamie giggled. You kiss Lucio, "Have fun." "Oh you know we will, Enjoy your trip."

"Bye bye." Jamie kissed you goodbye. "So what do want to do?" Lucio asked. "I wanna play wif my toys." Lucio put Jamie on the floor, "Ok Lil man, if you need me I'll be in my office." Jamie skipped to his room and continued to play with his toys.

2 hours later

"Hey Jamie I finished my song, let's go make pizza." Lucio looked at his son who was watching some kiddie show with headphones. He snuck up on Jamie then tickled him, "Boo!" Jamie laughed as Lucio tickled him. "Daddy!!..*giggles*" "It's time to make pizza, let's go mini me." Lucio stopped tickling Jamie and headed to the kitchen with Jamie hopping behind him. After taking out the ingredients necessary for pizza, Lucio and Jamie created a wonderful pizza masterpiece and a huge mess which included both boys take a bath.


"Ok Jamie bed time." Lucio rubbed his tired eyes. "But I'm not tired, I wanna play." Jamie whined and crossed his arms. "Jamie it's time to sleep." Lucio sighed, "I promised mommy I'd get you in bed at a "descent" hour. You don't mommy to be upset at daddy do you?" "No....Ok I go to bed." Jamie crawled into bed and Lucio pulled the covers over him.

"Can you tell me a stowy pease?"


"Yay, oh do the frog prince."

"Ok, once apon a time.........


"And the frog prince turned into an awesome human Dj and stole all the girls hearts..the end." Lucio kissed the now sleeping Jamie, "Sweet dreams my Lil dj."

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots/ Scenarios (Baby Daddy Version)Where stories live. Discover now