Zenyatta x injured Fem

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This was requested by @SerenityWindrider, it's not the best but I really didn't know how to write a omnic x reader. But I hope you enjoy.

Luv Ya-🐺

You POV (Flashback)
I was climbing up a mountain in Nepal just for fun, when I heard what sounded like a roar of thunder. Next thing I knew I was falling thirty thousand feet to my death, I remember hitting something hard and everything going black. I remember waking up in excruciating pain and hearing voices, but my eyelids were to heavy to stay open and I faded into the blackness.

Normal POV (Present)
Zenyatta and his fellow monks, carried a broken and battered (Y/N) to a bed while a healer came into the to inspect her wounds. "She looks like she's had quite a fall." He said, "We must remove her clothes to see the rest of the damage." Zenyatta nodded and helped the healer remove her heavy snow jacket, boots, snow pants, turtle neck shirt, and pants. Leaving her in just her bra and panties, the healer look at her right arm, "Hand me the bandages please." Zenyatta handed a roll of bandages to the healer.

*Minister Timeskip*

After the healer finished bandaging (Y/N) broken body, "I will leave you here with her until she awakes, I have other duties to attend to." "Very well and may the Iris be with you." Zenyatta bowed and so did the healer. Zenyatta then turned to the injuried girl laying on the bed in front of him, he watched the rise and fall of her chest. Her breathing a little raspy, but she was breathing fine. He watched her for hours, until the healer came back. "Sorry to keep you, brother Zenyatta." He walked into the room, "Has she awaken yet?" "No not yet." Zenyatta said his focus remained on the injuried girl in in front of him. "She might be in acoma." The healer sighed, "I pray she wakes up soon."

2 Weeks Later
(Y/N) groaned as her eyes slowly opened, she hissed in pain when she moved her arm. "Ah, you are awake." Zenyatta said. (Y/N) groaned as she attempted to sit up. "You are still weak, you must rest." Finally coming to reality, (Y/N) looked at the omnic next to her. She jumped and fell off the bed, "OW!" "Oh dear l, it seems I have startled you." He reached down help her up but she made a mad dash for the open door, she flew down the hall until she crashed into Genji. "Oh, my apologies." He chuckled, "You must be the girl they found in the snow two months ago, glad to see you're awake." (Y/N) backed up slowly, "W-What happened to you? When did I get here? Where am I?" She was interrupted by a wave a pain. "Ok, first we need to get you back in bed and second you still need to rest." "Ah! there you are?" Zenyatta kneeled down next to her, "Are you alright?" "Y-Yes." He picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the room, "Genji, please find the healer." Genji nodded and dissappear into a cloud of smoke. (Y/N) blushed as Zenyatta laid her on the bed, "You're red, do you have a fever?" He placed his cold metal hand against her forehead, making her blush harder. The healer opened the door, "You're awake, thank goodness." He sat next to her, "How are you feeling?" "Uh..confussed and feel like I fell down a mountain." She rubbed her sore arm, "You did." The healer l, Zenyatta, and Genji said in unison. Suddenly (Y/N) remembered what happened, the avalanche, her falling toward death. "How long have I been here?" "Two months." The healer said pour some water into a cup. "Oh......Wait.....TWO MONTHS!" She cringed as a wave of pain shot through her chest. "You really shouldn't overwork yourself." Handed her the water. "Look, I need to get out of here. I have to get back home." She sighed, "My mother's probably really worried." Zenyatta pat her on her back, "You will go home soon, but when your strong enough. You're still pretty weak." "I guess you're right." She sighed and sipped some water. "But you could send a letter to your mother and let her know you're alright......more or less." Genji smiled.

"Thank you.....uh...."

"Oh were are my manners, I am Genji Shimada, on my right is my master Zenyatta, and sitting on the bed next to you is our healer Yaba. (I made it up, I don't know names Buddhists have. Sorry if this offended anyone)

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and I can't thank you enough for your help." she smiled. "I will get  you some ink and paper." Genji left to get the paper and ink and Yaba left to get some food for (Y/N), while Zenyatta stayed in the room to watch her. "(Y/N) if i may ask, what do you do in life?" Zenyatta asked. "I'm a vet." She answered, the room was soon filled with awkward silence, til Genji returned. "Here you are (Y/N)." "Thank you Genji." (Y/N) took the paper and feather quill and wrote her mother a letter.

*Timeskip* 5 Months Later

Zenyatta watched you as packed you're clothes into a your bag, "Are you sure you feel enough to go?" "Yes, Zeny I'm fine." (Y/N) groaned, "You remind me of my mother when I left for college." "My apologies, but..." (Y/N) put and hand when Zenyatta's mouth would be, "No buts, I have to get home. I miss my mother and her cooking..uh...no offense to Monk food." She sighed, "I will miss you more then I'll miss Genji and Yaba." (Y/N) kissed his metalic forehead, "ALL the time I spent here with you Zeny was fun and I made me realize that....welll...*sighs*...let me show you." She pressed her lips where Zenyatta's would be. Zenyatta felt his circuits stop and almost stopped functioning for a second. "I love you Zenyatta and I'll write you everyday when I get home." Zenyatta cupped her face and brought her in for another kiss and pulled away, "I would love that." (Y/N) hugged Zenyatta, then left so she could climb down the mountain before night fall. Zenyatta walked around the monastery in silence, until Genji came running down the hall with Yaba chashing him with a wooden spoon. "MASTER HELP!" He screamed dodging the spoon and ducking behind Zenyatta. "Get back here Genji, I won't hurt you." Yaba pulled out another wooden spoon, "Excuse me brother Zenyatta I would like to talk to your student." Genji shuddered. Zenyatta said nothing and continued walking, Genji and Yaba watched in confusion. "What's wrong with him?" Yaba creeps up behind Genji. "He's in love with (Y/N)." Genji turned around and was greeted with a pan to the head. "Next time to in-salt my cooking skills." Yaba laughed. "Worst pun ever." Genji rubbed the bump on his head.


*THUD* Genji falls on the floor unconscious. Yaba smiles evilly 😈😈

*Timeskip* 1 Week Later

Zenyatta sat in his room meditating, until he heard a soft knock on his door. "Enter." In walked Genji with a smirk on his face, "Master you got a letter for (Y/N)-chan." Zenyatta took the letter from Genji,

Dear Zeny,
       I hope the letter got to you and if you reading this it means I'm home and well. My mother thanks you, Genji, and Yaba for taking care of me. She also asked if you could over and spend some time down here, she and I can thank you enough for your kindness. I she figured out that I have a crush on you, don't ask me how. And I hope Genji isn't reading this with you.

Genji chuckles, "Busted!"

  I really miss you Zenyatta and I wish I could be with you again, so I've decided that I'll try to vist whenever I feel stressed or on my vacation. Tell Yaba I said hi and tell Genji to grow up." I love you.


P.S. My mother made cookies for Yaba and Genji.

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