McCree x Reader Long Time No See

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By: @Starflower1206
Published and edited by:ZweitheGuineaPig (Me)

You were in the kitchen cooking dinner, when you heard a knock on your door. it was about seven in the afternoon and you weren't expecting any one either. Wiping your hands on your apron you walk toward the door, upon opening the door you now faced a cowboy. "Hey, long time no see darlin." McCree smiled at you as your face lit up. "Jesse! I haven't see you in ages! We have a lot to catch up on  " You smiled, "Come in Come in!" He walked into your apartment, "Smells great in here, you cookin?" You smile and nod, "Yep!" "Mind if I join you?" He chuckled. "Nope, I'll make you a plate and we can catch up." You make two plates and hand one to McCree and sit across from him. "So what happened to you? Wherewere you for two years?" McCree rubbed the back of his head, "I've been trying to find and persuade ex overwatch agents to come back to the Overwatch Base, and I've ran into Reaper a couple times, and I've been bounty hunting." You giggle, "Same old Jesse McCree I know and love." You blush when you realized what you said. "You alright (Y/N)? You're looking kinda red." McCree puts his hand on your forehead, making her blush harder. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." You stuttered, "Hey after we eat you wanna watch a movie? You know for old times sake." "Sure." He chuckled. "But we're not watching a western, especially not that one." "WHAT?!?! BUT JOHN WAYNE IS A LEGEND!!" You sigh, "No means no, now you excuse me I'm gonna go take a shower." McCree smirked, "Do you want company?" You blush, N-No!" And you close the bathroom door. While you were in the shower, McCree decided to snoop through your CD's. He was quickly draw to a CD titled, "Promise Waiting". "What in the world is this....", he popped the DVD in and watched, he saw recoded moments when him and the (Y/N) were kids. One sence in particular caught his eye. It was a video of them making crude drawings of each other. "When I grow up I'm gonna marry (y/n)!" little Jesse smiled while younger (Y/N) "Y-Yeah! I'm going to marry him!" McCree takes the CD out and smiles, "I remember this, heh sure brings me back." He heard the door bathroom open and he quickly put the CD back, sat on the couch and pretended that nothing happened. "Ready?" You smile, he gave you nervous grin and nodded. You eyed him suspiciously but shrugged it off and put on a movie you both would enjoy.

Before you knew it, the time had passed and it was know 11:30, "I best be going." McCree walked over to the door. "Or you could stay, it's dark out don't want anything bad happening to you." He chuckled, "Admit it you don't want me to go." You feel heat rising on your face, "No just don't want you to get mugged." "Whatever you say darlin." McCree then followed you to the guest room. After the two of you said you goodnights, you went to bed and McCree snuck out. Morning came and your sleep was interrupted by a loud pounding on your front door. You trudge over to the door and open it, what happened next was totally unexpected. "HELLO SLEEPY HEAD!" Lena shouted tackling you to the floor in a bear hug. "'s 8 o' the morning on a Saturday..." She helped you up, "Sorry, but I came barring a message." She cleared her throat, "McCree told me to guide u and to dress nicely." Before you could answer you were dragged into your bed room and given thirty minutes to get ready, then you were dragged out of your house and being driven to the new secret hidden Overwatch base. Upon arriving, Lena helped you out and pointed to a rose petal path. "Now remember luv follow the rose covered path. "Let's roll Winston." They drove off leaving you absolutely confused, "Uh....what's going on?" You fix your hair and fallow the rose path until you came to a very nicely dressed McCree. "Hey cowboy, care to explain." You smile. "Look (y/n) we've been friends for a long time.. And I said something that I'll do a while back and I'm going to do it now...." He gets down on one knee, "(y/n) (l/n) will u have me as a husband and marry me?" You felt tears forming in your eyes, "It's about time! Of Course I'll marry you!" He gets up and kisses you, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Overwatch agents scream, mostly Winston and Lena were heard.

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots/ Scenarios (Baby Daddy Version)Where stories live. Discover now