Daddy Pt 2

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Jack sat next to Jason's bed and watched his breathing. Jason had managed to catch a cold even after Jack wrapped the kid in a thousand layers of clothes when he went outside to play. It saved him from being cold, unfortunately it wasn't enough to save him from the germs of other kids. Jason laid on his bed as if he were dieing, he breaths were short and raspy, he had a high fever of 100 degrees, and he hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. "Daddy?" Jack perked up, "Hey kiddo how you feel?" Jason rolled onto his side so he faced his dad, "My head hurts and my tummy hurts." Jack rubs his sons head, "Mommy will be back with your medicine soon, in the mean time let's get you something to eat." He stood up and went to the kitchen, he came back with some chicken soup, "Jason....are you still awake?" "Yes." He coughed, then shuddered. "Let's try and get some food in your tummy, ok?" Jason nodded and with some help from Jack he's sitting up and eating. "I don't want more daddy, I feel like I trow up." Jack put the soup on the nightstand, "Ok, lay back down and get some sleep." He kissed Jason's burning forehead and rubbed his back, "Daddy?"


"Can I get a story peas?" Jack smiled, "Sure."

You walk into the house and close the front door, and dust the snow from your boots. "Jack, I'm home." When you didn't get a response you walked to Jason's room, when you opened the door a smile crept on your face as you watched your two boys sleep peacefully.

Zachary dashed around the house dragging his stuffed lion with him, he was searching for the "lost chocolate chip cookies" (kids and their imaginations). You were out for the day, leaving Reinhardt with little Zachary. "Papa!" Zachary screamed, galloping toward like him. "Can you play wif me peas?" Reinhardt chuckled, "Of course my son, can I be the knight?" "Noo." Zachary giggled, "You were the knight last time, you be the dagon that hides the tesure." Reinhardt and Zachary then spent an hour building a castle fort made out of every pillow sheet and mattress in the house. Then they started their wild game of knights and dragons, "I will take thee tesure from you, you bad dagon." Reinhardt laughed, "You vill never take my treasure." Zachary charged for the draw bridge (matress), with his toys sword drawn he rammed into the bridge. The bridge fell and landed on his noble steed (the stuffed lion), "NOO! Leo, I will avenge thee." He ran into the castle (The fort) and ran toward the dragon. Reinhardt laughed evilly, "So you've made it to my lair." Zachary pointed his sword at Reinhardt, "Today you will fall dagon." Reinhardt charged at Zachary but missed, Zachary swung his sword and hit Reinhardt's leg making him fall unto one knee. Reinhardt grabbed a pillow and whacked Zachary with it, Zachary stumbled back and crashed into the matress that supported the entire fort. The mattress fell and so did the rest of the fort, Reinhardt and Zachary popped out of the destroyed castle and laughed. "Again! Again!" Reinhardt laughed, "Yes let's do it again!" They spent the rest of the day making forts and destroying then, eventually they made a fort for the night and watched movies until they fell asleep.

Michael rubbed his tired eyes, it was two in the morning and Michael was still awake. He walked to his parents room and climb onto the bed, accidentally waking up Roadhog. "Michael? What are you doing up?" He yawned. "I can't sleep." You groan, "Mako what's going on?" He released his hold on you, "Your son's awake." Rubbing your eyes and letting out an exhaustive sigh, "I'll take care of him." Roadhog pushes you back into bed, "You sleep, I'll do it." At the moment you were to tired to argue so you kissed his cheek and went back to sleep. "Ok Michael let's go." He sighed rolling out of bed.


Michael sipped his hot chocolate and watched Robots, while Roadhog tried to stay awake. "Daddy? Are you sleepy?" "Just a little bit." Roadhog lied as he yawned. "I know you're lying." Michael hopped off the couch and grabbed a blanket and pillow from his room, when he returned Roadhog was knocked out and snoring like a hog. Michael giggled, he carefully climbed onto his dad's chest and put the pillow behind his head. Then he wrapped the blanket around his little body and Roadhog's chest. He snuggle up with his dad and continued to watch the movie until the movie was watching them. (In other words they both were asleep)

"DADDY!!" Madison cried running out of her room, "What's wrong my little firecracker?" Junkrat picked her up and rubbed her back, "There's a big spider in room." Junkrat gasped, "He back." "Who's back daddy?" Madison sniffed. "My old foe." Madison scratched her head, "The bar of soap?" Junkrat pokes her cheek, "Noooo, El spidor! A spider I thought I killed and flushed down the toilet, but he survived and now he's out for revenge." Junkrat put Madison on the couch and grabbed a can of roach spray and a litter, "Don't try this at home my little ankle bitter." "Um...but you're doing it, why can't I do it." Madison whined. "Because I'm a trained professional." He laughed as he headed to the Madison's room. "Um...mommy said you're a tychopath." She grumbled. Junkrat closed the door of Madison's room then kicked it open, "SURPRISE!" But the spider was nowhere in sight, "Ooooh bababeba, you broke the door." "We'll blame the spider." Junkrat laughed nervously, "Now to find that spider." Madison screamed and pointed to the wall, "It's the icky spider!" Junkrat laughed, sprayed the spider and lit the lighter. Sending a ball of flames at the spider, the spider jumped off the wall and ran towards Madison. She ran to her parents room with the spider on her heels and Junkrat on the spiders fuzzy heels. Madison jump on the bed and so the spider, Junkrat used his makeshift flame thrower and set the bed sheets on fire. Madison bolted off the bed and ran to the kitchen, with the spider and Junkrat running behind her. The smoke detectors blare and the burning bed sheets set the rug and any other flammable thing on fire. Junkrat ignored the sound and continued to chase the spider. Madison finally managed to lose the spider by locking herself outside the house, thus leaving El Spidor with Junkrat and the burning house. "Alright mi old foe, time to end this." He sprayed the spider, but El Spidor made a mad dash for the closet, which by the way was full of explosives. Junkrat threw open the closet door and incinerated the spider and the...


explosives. He found himself feeling weightless and then slamming into the ground, "Ugh.... (Y/N) is going to kill me." He tried to move but felt nothing responding, the sound of foot steps could be heard behind him. "DADDY! Are you otay? Say somting!" She shook him until her arms hurt, her teary eyes started to flow and she sobbed. "Madison! Jami!" She turned to see you running towards them. "MOMMY!" Madison cried and ran to her mother. "Sshh, baby it's alright mommy's here." You rub her back until her sobs die down. Junkrat gets up and cracks his back, "Oi, that hurt." He feels the atmosphere grow cold and dark, a feeling he knows all to well. Turning around he sees his wife with her "you're gonna die face" He swallows a lump in his throat, "Hello dear." Beads of sweat pouring down his face. If looks could kill he'd be dead. Long story short you didn't kill him but he did get punished for using a makeshift flame thrower and blowing the house up, but you did give him a pat on the back for being a good dad....sorta.

Me: And now I'm officially on Hiatus...don't worry I'll be back and continue the series for as long as possible. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas  and a....

Frosty the Snowman: Happy Birthday!!

Me: *melts with a flame thrower* Darnit Frosty!!!! Anyway I luv you all and have a great holiday, thanks for the support and HI-larious comments.

Overwatch Characters: Happy Holidays 🍻🍷🍺🍸🍶🎋🎍🎊🎉🎂🎁🎀🎄

Luv Ya-🐺

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