Blackwatch (Suicidal) McCree x Reader

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Sorry it long, I'm trying to balance school, soccer, and scholarships. The life of a senoir is a stressful one. 😧
Requested by Handsoapiscool

Outside the Overwatch Imfiramy 3:45 A.M.
Gabriel paced back and forth in the waiting room. (Y/N) started at the floor, her eyes wet with tears. "I'm sorry." You say a bit to loud. Gabriel stops pacing and walked over to your shaken form, "It's not your fault mija." You feel his strong arms wrap around you. "I know McCree, he's a tough and very stubborn kid he'll make it." He whips tears from your eyes.

Three Months Later
"Jesse?" You knock on his door expecting an answer. "Jesse." Sighing you open his door and scream in horror. Soon the sound of boots echoed through the halls, the first to reach you was Ana. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" You hold Jesse's unconscious body. "Jesse!" She runs over to him, "What happened?" You shrug, then look around his room and find 4 bottles of pills empty. "Jesse!" Jack and Gabriel shout. "What happened?" You throw an empty pill container at Gabriel. "Dammit Jesse, Jack call Mercy." "I'm here." Mercy says, making Jack and Gabriel jump. "Where is he?" "Down here." You point to his seemingly lifeless body. Mercy search for his pulse, she moved from his wrist, to his neck, to his chest. "He has a pulse, but it's week. I need to get him to med bay." She looks at Gabriel, he sighs. "Fine." He picks McCree up bridal style and carries him to med bay.

2 Months ago
Jesse sat in his room, staring at what used to be a whole arm and is now a stub. He thoughts were broken when he heard a soft knock on his door. "Go away." You sigh, "Jesse you can't stay in there forever." Jesse rolled his, "I don't wanna talk to you, go away." "Jesse come out or I'm coming in." You spin around to see Gabriel standing behind you. "You need to wear a bell." Gabriel just smiled and ruffled your hair. "Over my dead body." Jesse replied, Gabriel opened the door and walked in. "That can't be arranged." You look at Gabriel in shock. "What do you want?" McCree grumbled. "To check on you stupid." "I'm fine." You look at his tired expression. "You can go now." "Jesse we just wanna make sure that you're....." "LEAVE ALREADY!" McCree glares at you. Tears form in your eyes as you storm out his room. He felt bad but it was for the best.

Present Day
Gabe sat next to (Y/N) rubbing her back as she cried. "Mija you need to get over the fact that what happened, happened and that it's not your fault." You shake your head, "It is my fault...*sniff* If...I didn't freeze up...then...then.*sniff*....Jesse would still have his arm and he wouldn't be mad at me." You sob in his chest, guilt flooded you chest, "I wish it was me and not him." Gabriel stroked your soft hair. "He just needs to get over it."

1 Month Later
"Damn it!" Jesse stared at the target, nor a single bullet had hit it. "It's alot easier with my left than my right." He sighed. "We'll at least you still have a full arm." Gabriel tapped on the tablet screen. "By the way, have you seen (Y/N)?" Jesse tried to reloaded his gun, "No, come to think of it I haven't seen her since....well you know." "Yeah, you should really apologize to her." Jesse rubbed the back of his head, "I will." (Y/N) walks into the gun range will some papers for Gabriel. "Commander Jack said he wants the papers he gave you back and these are yours." You hand him the folder full of papers. "Hey (Y/N), long time no see." Jesse pat your back. "I have to go give this flash drive to Captain Amari." Jesse grabbed your arm, "Actually I was hoping I could talk to you for quick second." You pull away from him, "I'm busy Jesse." And you leave. "She's mad at you." Jesse glared at Gabriel, "I hadn't noticed." Gabriel chuckled, "Apologize now or lose your chance with her." Jesse nodded and ran after you, "Hey (Y/N) wait up! " When Jesse caught up to you there was an awkward silence, "Sooo, whatcha been up to?" He rubs the back of his head nervously. "Avoiding you." He looked at you in shock, "It's because I lost part of my arm." You stop and look at him. "No, it's...that's not it...look Jesse I...have to go." He grabs your arm, "Please (Y/N) tell what's wrong." You sigh, "Jesse...please let go." "I'm sorry." You stare in shock, "I'm sorry (Y/N), I know you were trying to help. I'm sorry for being a stubborn jerk to you." He lets go of your arm, " Jesse....I.." You press your lips against his and pull away. "Sorry, I've kinda wanted to do that for a whi..." You were cut off by his kiss, he pinned you against the wall and kissed you passionately. Soon the kiss became hot and Jesse started to kiss your neck making you moan, "Ahem!" You both stop and look at Strike Commander Morrison giving you two an unpleasant look. Gabriel standing next to him with a smirk on his face. "Uh...Commanders!" You push Jesse off you and salute them. "Relax (Y/N), I'm not gonna chew you out I just came to check on Jesse but it's seems he's getting better." He smirks, "So well leave you two love birds alone." "But do it in a your room." Your face was bright red, "Yes sir." Jesse smirked and dragged you towards his room. (He may have lost his arm but he didn't lose his *cough cough * fighting spirit 😜😜)

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