Chapter Three • September 26th, 2016

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••• September 26, 2016 •••

For the past couple days, you have been monitoring Bokuto when he is in line at lunch. Bokuto seems to be using the money in his lunch account instead of giving physical money. Could the letter really be from your future self?

You get up to go to the bathroom since Bokuto hasn't entered the lunchroom yet that you have saw. You venture through the halls to find the bathroom and Bokuto suddenly calls your name.

You turn around to face him.

"Hey! I went to the lunchroom a little early today and the lady said I didn't have any money left. I ran back to the classroom and I couldn't find any money of mine. Do you think I can borrow money from you for today? I promise I'll pay you back tomorrow! I told myself to bring it but I totally forgot!"

You stand there and look at him in shock once again. It's happening. It happened again. Bokuto seemed too genuine to be acting. Is this letter genuinely real?


You shake your head to clear the thoughts from it, "Y-Yeah. You don't have to pay me back. Don't worry about it."

You walk back to the classroom with Bokuto and scavenge through your bag to find the money you brought. You can't help but ask, "Do you know anything about a letter?"

Bokuto pauses for a moment to think about it, "I haven't heard anything from anyone about a letter. What kind of letter is it?"

"N-Nevermind about that." You reply, "Here is your money, Bokuoto-san. Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you so much, (l/n)-san!" Bokuto exclaims before darting out the door at the speed of light.

You find yourself sitting back into your seat, mind blown. You rub your face with your hands to make sure this isn't a dream.

Damn. Is that letter real? You thought he would ask you in the lunchroom, if at all. Bokuto personally called out to you in the hallway about lunch money. He was so genuine about it too! He couldn't have been acting! ..Could he be a theatre kid? No, he has volleyball. Maybe he does both?

You highly doubt it. Considering how friendly he is, he would have talked about it at least once. Bokuto is too consumed by volleyball anyway to even think about anything else.

••• September 27th, 2016 •••

You were walking down the hallway of school to make your way to the lunchroom. You saw Bokuto suddenly stop in his tracks and turn around. He make eye contact with you and comes strolling up to you.

"(l/n)!" Bokuto exclaims, "I decided that I should buy you lunch in exchange for buying mine yesterday!"

"Bokuto-san, you don't have to do that." You reply, "I gave it to you without expecting anything in return. You can keep it."

"You have to let me! I'd feel bad if I didn't pay you back. Besides, then I would owe you one. We could be on equal ground if I buy your lunch for you." Bokuto persuades as the two of you arrive in the lunchroom.

"Okay, fine." You say, "Thank you, Bokuto-san."

"You're welcome. You can grab whatever you want and however much you want. It's all on me." Bokuto says to you as the line moves forward.

"Okay." You smile.

Your jaw drops to the floor as you see him fill his plate with food. Gosh, does he eat at home?

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