Chapter Twelve • January 9th, 2017

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••• January 9th, 2016 (continued) •••

Lunch came and you sensed that he probably wasn't in a mood to talk to his friends. You invited him to sit outside where the two of you first ate lunch together. It's away from noise and people, he would be able to clear his head.

When the two of you entered the lunchroom, he went straight outside. Bokuto didn't even look to see what was for lunch. He didn't even look anywhere. His eyes were glued on the door to outside.

You follow after him and watch him sit down underneath the tree. You sit beside him and speak up, "You're not going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Bokuto says, laying his legs out in front of him. "Don't worry about me."

"Bokuto-san." You say a frown. "You have to eat."

He is so upset that he can't even find an appetite? This is very concerning. You don't want to use his dog as a reason to eat. That seems a little mean.

"Can you please look at me?"

Bokuto doesn't comply. You sit yourself on your own legs between his open ones, causing him to look at you.

"I'm sorry that this happened and I see you are very upset. But maybe you will feel better if you eat? You have to eat something. I can't let you starve." You try to persuade him.

"I'm not starving. I don't have an appetite right now." Bokuto says as he shifts his legs up against his chest and lays his forehead against his knees. Leaving you sitting in front of him.

There is only one solution left.

"I'll be right back, alright? Please don't go away."

Bokuto doesn't say anything but you know he will stay. You ran back into the lunchroom and try to find him.

You call his name as you spot him, "Akaashi-san!"

"(l/n)-san? Have you see Bokuto-san? He wasn't here yesterday and I thought I saw him this morning but he isn't here." Akaashi responds.

"That's just who I was going to talk to you about. Bokuto-san is outside with me. The other day, his dog passed away. Now he won't do anything and he's in super deep ultra sad mode right now." You inform him. "He won't eat and I'm worried for him."

"He won't eat?" Akaashi questions, unbelievably.

"What if he gets hungry later on in the day and he doesn't have anything to eat? We have to do something." You respond.

"We could probably get him to drink something. It's better than nothing."

"I was thinking the same thing!" You exclaim.

You both go to the vending machine and grab water. That's one of the healthier drink options and it's a fairly decent sized bottle. A drink is something to fill his stomach if he doesn't have food.

You both enter into the courtyard to see a depressed Bokuto. Time to turn on parent mode if it wasn't already on before.

"Bokuto-san," Akaashi calls out as he approaches, "what are you doing?"

"Being sad." Bokuto muffles through his legs.

"Why don't you eat? You might feel better if you eat." Akaashi says sitting on one side of Bokuto, you sitting on the other.

Tried that.

"I'm not hungry."

"You'll get hungry later on and you'll have nothing to eat. Do you really want that?" Akaashi tries to reason with him.

"Can you guys please leave me alone?" Bokuto questions quietly, monotone.

You and Akaashi exchange glances with each other. You both non-verbally agreed to leave it alone. You both sat with Bokuto in silence. May your presences will help him, instead of nagging him.

You find your arm hugging one of Bokuto's and your head laying on his shoulder. You hope this brings some sort of comfort to him somehow. Akaashi still remains sitting next to Bokuto.

After a while of sitting in silence, lunch ends. The three of you walk inside together. You wrap your arm around Bokuto's waist to comfort him once again, although he didn't respond you know it is helping him in some way.

"Thanks, Akaashi-san." You say to him one last time as you enter your classroom with Bokuto.

Bokuto departs from you and sits down onto his seat, staring straight into his desk. Your heart is aching right now, he looks so upset.

How did the future you do him like this? Then again, she sat across the room from him. She probably didn't pay attention to him.

You wonder when he'll be okay. You are very worried and you don't know what to do to make him feel better. All you can find yourself to do is stare at him as it hurts your heart. Bokuto told you to leave him alone so you don't want to bother him with words.

The school day ended with Bokuto's words at lunch being the last words he had said all day.

You watch him get up from his seat and exit into the hallway. You follow beside him, "Do you want me to walk you to practice?"

"I'm not going today." Bokuto states, causing you to stop in your footsteps.

You watch him continue to walk away down the hallway. Bokuto's so upset that he can't even attend practice?

You have to go to the gym to discuss with the team what to do. Bokuto's dog just passed away so you don't expect him to jump right back into it. The way he is acting just worries you.

You walk in and wait for them to come out of the locker room, the girls too. They greet you but once they see Bokuto isn't there, they all question you.

"He said he wasn't coming today." You respond.
"Do you guys know anything about his dog? Maybe I can do something for him centering around her."

"His parents gave him the dog as present when he first started school. The dog was a puppy, I guess they grew up together." Akaashi informs you.

"Wait, what about his dog?" Yamato questions.

"Bokuto-san's dog passed away the other day and that's why he wasn't here yesterday." You say. You try not to cry as you speak your next words. "He seems really depressed and I'm worried about him. I don't know what to do."

The tears well into your eyes and you quickly wipe them away before they fall. It's nothing too dramatic, just a couple tears. Seeing him this upset it hard for you. Your best friend is deeply upset and there is nothing you can do.

"We should give him a couple days to take it in before we interfere with his grieving process." Shirofuku speaks. "Until then, we can definitely think of ideas to help him."

The coach enters the gym, "What are we all sitting around for? Where's Bokuto?"

"Let's talk about it after practice." Akaashi tells the group before disbanding.

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