Chapter Nine • November 20th, 2016

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[A/N: this book is a slow burner fic but don't worry!! It's all starting to come together y'all hold up. A couple more chapters!!]

This regret made you nervous. Extremely nervous.

November 20th, 2016
Bokuto asks you to be his date to a wedding. You declined because the word date scared you. Don't be scared. You'll do fine. Accept his offer.

How can she say you'll do fine when she has no idea what happens at the wedding?

You have been on edge since last night. The word date is scaring you. Does he mean date for the night? Most likely. Nothing changed with future you, right?

As soon as you saw Bokuto take a seat in his desk you became nervous. Is he going to ask you now? Please let it be now. You can't wait in agony.

"Hey, (l/n)."

You smile to him, "Good morning, Bokuto-san."

"Are you doing anything this weekend?"

Thank god he is doing it now.

"Nothing that I know of yet."

How are you acting so cool right now? You're screaming on the inside.

"Well, if you're not doing anything, would you like to be my date to a wedding? My parents said I could invite someone so I wasn't bored and I figured I should invite you."

You tried to hold back your blush but it didn't work. "Y-Yeah. I-I can probably go."

Damn that letter. It's making you look like an idiot right now.

Bokuto smiles, "Really? You'll go?"

Your heart melts at the sight of it.

"Y-Yeah. I've never been to a wedding before. Who is it for?" You question.

"My cousin. We are close with her so we have to go, not that we mind."

You realize that you're going to meet Bokuto's whole family. What are they like? Are they like Bokuto? Or are Bokuto's traits unique to him?

You respond, "Okay. It sounds fun. I'll look forward to it."

"Great! Now I don't have to force Akaashi to come with me."

Bokuto brought Akaashi in the future before this. Aw. You wonder how he acted when the future you rejected him. But you're glad you don't have to find out.

••• November 25th, 2016 •••

You knock on Bokuto's front door and you are utterly nervous. Will he think you look okay? What is his family like? So many question that are making you anxious.

The door opens and you can only guess the lady is his mom, "Are you (l/n)? You look really good."

"Thank you very much," You respond as you enter his house, "You look great too! Thank you for letting me come."

"Aw, thank you."

Someone who I can also only guess is Bokuto's dad enters the entryway, holding a medium dog that looks old. He places the dog on the ground and it trots over to you.

You let your hand out so he could smell it and then you start petting him.

"He was having a hard time getting up, I had to pick him up."

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