Chapter Ten • November 20th, 2016

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••• November 20th, 2016 (continued) •••

You approach your house and notice all of the lights are off. You shake it off and approach the door. When you try to twist it, the door is locked. You knock on the door and shake the door handle but no one answers.

"Where the hell are they?" You whisper to yourself.

"Are you locked out?" You hear Bokuto's mother call. You turn to see her with the window down and speaking to you.

"Yeah! I don't have a key and for some reason my parents aren't home!" You shout to her from your front porch so she can hear you. "Let me text them really quick!"

You get out your phone and text both of your parents. They waited a couple more minutes for you and you hadn't received any contact from your parents.

"How long do you think they'll be?" His mother perisists.

"I have no idea! They never told me they were leaving! I have no idea where they are! I'm sorry! You can leave if you want! They'll be back eventually!"

"Nonsense!" Bokuto's mother exclaims to you, "You can stay over at our house until they come home!"

You really had no other option. As much you hated to be a bother to them, you weren't about to sleep outside your door. You get into the car and they drive off.

You arrived back at his house at midnight from the wedding. It ended at ten but you had that two hours drive. Bokuto and you were passed out in the back.

His mother had waited an hour to see if your parents would contact you but they didn't.

"I have to go to bed now, it's one in the morning. Your parents still haven't answered you?" Bokuto's mother questions you.

"No, I'm sorry."

"You're alright, don't apologize. I can get the guest bedroom ready for you and I can drop you off in the morning."

"Are you sure I'm not inconveniencing you? I feel bad."

"Of course you're not! It's not your fault your parents didn't tell you they were leaving. I'll go get the room ready." Bokuto's mother leaves the room and sets for upstairs.

"I wish I knew where my parents were. I feel bad that you all have to put up with me." You tell Bokuto.

"No, you're fine. My parents told me that they liked you. You don't have to worry about it." Bokuto tells, "Maybe your parents had an emergency or something."

You sigh, "If it was an emergency they would have tried to contact me."

"I guess. Don't worry about it. You're staying here so you don't to stress the small stuff."

"Thanks, Bokuto-san."

"You're welcome."

Bokuto leads you upstairs and his mom had just finished getting the room ready. "Perfect!" She begins, "Koutarou, get her one of your clean shirts. I laid pajama shorts that were too small for me on the bed. You can put those on when you're ready."

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