Chapter Thirteen • January 13th, 2017

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••• January 13th, 2016 •••

Bokuto is is better than before but he isn't completely himself. He is starting to talk more with each day and he even attended practice yesterday. Bokuto played a little bit but nothing major.

You had remembered something your parents bought you before when one of your pets passed away. You asked about it to the team and they thought it was a good idea. It was kind of expensive for being what it was but it was worth it for Bokuto. Everyone pitched in to buy it, even the coaches.

Bokuto entered the gym and you were all standing before around each other.

"What's going on?" Bokuto questions everyone, feeling left out.

No one even changed for practice yet. You all wanted to be there before he got there.

"We were waiting for you." You begin, holding out the box that is the size of your hand with a larger item under it, "We all put money together to buy this for you."

"We've been really worried about you, Bokuto-san, especially (l/n)-san." Suzumeda adds.

"It was her idea." Akaashi says as Bokuto begins to open it.

Bokuto pulls the wrapping off and open the box. His eyes meet what looks like dogs tags. On the back most circle, it says 'Always In My Heart' and the sideways heart on top of it has his dogs name. It might not be much and it might seem a little girly possibility to some people but it's a memorial piece.

Bokuto picks it up out of the box and stares at it intently. You see small tears well up into his eyes, much like yours did when you received one from your parents.

"My parents gave one to me when one of my dogs passed away too. I thought it would be nice for you to remember (dog/name) by." You smile to him, even though his eyes are locked onto the memorial piece.

He then opens the bottom gift and sees it's a picture frame. The picture was you, Bokuto, and (dog/name). It was the photo you took the morning you woke up at his house after the wedding. You figured he would like to have it and the two of you had a lot of fun those two days. You figured it was a nice dual memory gift.

Bokuto didn't have any words when he looked up, only tears in his eyes. Bokuto holds his arms out in your direction and you latch yourself onto him.

You let the two of you have a little moment before you motion everyone else to join too.

It was so nice. You all came together for Bokuto. Bokuto means so much to everyone and you all want to see him be happy. You truly hope that after this, he doesn't feel alone anymore.

Everyone pulls away and he speaks to everyone, "Thank you for doing this for me. I didn't expect it at all. I know I can always count on you guys."

Happy tears make their way into your eyes and you quickly wipe them away. This was what he needed. Reassurance that you are all there for him and something that proves his dog existed.

You just want to hug him again.

"I think I should play today. I've been away from it long enough." Bokuto says.

Bokuto assures everyone he is alright to play. Although he ain't completely his normal self yet, he will get there. When he does you will be glad to have him back. You missed him making you laugh all the time and the dumb conversations you two would have.

Once practice was over, he had offered to walk you home. Bokuto thought it was the least he could do since you got him what you did.

"Oh, no, Bokuto-san." You reply, "It was a gift, you don't have to repay me. Don't worry about it. But, I don't think I want anyone to walk me home."

"Why not?"

You hesitate to tell him or not but you decide against it. "I-I like to walk alone. me time to think about life."

You feel bad for lying to him but you don't want to get into it.

"Nothing's going on?"

"Huh?" You question him, tilting your head.

"There's nothing bothering you?"


"Okay, but you have to let me walk you home one of these days." Bokuto responds.

"I will do." You smile to him, "Well, see you tomorrow, Bokuto-san."

"Thanks again." He says to your leaving figure.

"You're welcome!"

The real reason you didn't want him to walk you home is because your parents started fighting recently. You don't know what it's about but you don't dare ask. You don't want them to start fighting again.

You're scared he would hearing them yelling at each other. It's not only embarrassing but it's sad too. You don't want him to hear it. He doesn't need to be worried about you when he is only just getting over (dog/name)'s death.

Since you are walking alone, you are left to your own devices. Your thoughts race as you think about the letter, Bokuto, and your parents.

It's all so much to think about.

You reached your house and headed upstairs. Once you laid on your bed, you heard your parents trying to argue quietly. You responded by turning on music to drown them out.

You don't want to deal with it.

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