Chapter Twenty Two • April 12th, 2017

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••• April 12th, 2016 •••

The movie night and the next morning were one of the best days you have ever had, right in front of the nights you spent with Bokuto and Akaashi. Being so close to Bokuto is what put the day over the top of all the others. If no one in the house knew better, they might have thought the two of you were dating due to how Bokuto was treating you. In the morning, he was touchy with you and you had caught him staring at you many times; he didn't even try to hide it. All of that has to be further confirmation that he likes you too.

As the school bell rings, Bokuto twists to face you. "Are you coming to practice?"

You toss your bag over your shoulder as you speak, "Of course."

The two of you exit the classroom as Bokuto cages your hand with his own. Every time he does that, your heartbeat accelerates to a million beats per second. It is mind boggling that he likes you... Well, Bokuto hasn't actually came out and verbally told you, yet, but you assume that his successful attempts to hold your hand all of the time now as confirmation. He never goes further than that though. Your friends all give you a hard time about it. You two act like you're so in love yet the two of you aren't even dating, which you complain about this comment but it is true. You don't know why the two of you are not officially a thing but you're too terrified to ask.

You're afraid to loose Bokuto like the letter said. What if dating isn't a good idea and something traumatic and heartbreaking happens in the future that could have been prevented if the two of you did not date? You don't have anymore guidance now. Any mistakes you make from this point on, there is no warnings or do-overs. There is no letter telling you how to repair the regrets you may make. You are so accustomed to knowing what will happen beforehand that now every time you make a decision, you feel skittish. The letter that is sent from the future is the only reason you are even speaking to Bokuto at this point in time. The friendship would have originally been over February 12th. You can't believe that by changing your decisions when it comes to him could affect so much.

The two of you arrive at the door of the gymnasium; Bokuto stopped before the doorway, causing you to tilt your head in confusion. With a tight hold on your hand, Bokuto glances back to you and speaks, "You know I really really like you, right?" You couldn't even say anything at this point. Your whole face burned an angry shade of red as you swiftly covered the mess with the crook of you arm. There was no hiding it though.

Your voice comes out in mumbles due to the fabric of your sleeve, "I-I know.."

"Let's go inside."

Bokuto finally said it in words, the boy has told you he likes you. You are brimming with happiness on the inside although you only have a flustered face to show for it. You didn't tell him back but he didn't seem phased. Maybe he knows you like him back.

You allow your arms project downwards to your sides as your burning features begin to settle down. Upon entering, you observe Kaori lingering around the gym and release Bokuto's hand from your own. You do not want to deal with that son of a gun today. This is the first time you've seen Kaori since the movie night Bokuto hosted on his own accord for the whole volleyball team. She gives you a filthy glare almost as soon as her eyes debark onto you. It's never been easier to tell she really detests your guts right now. You don't know if it's being harbored from the movie night or because she caught the two of you holding hands as you entered the just today.

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