Chapter Twenty Five • April 16th, 2017

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••• April 16th, 2016 •••

Your fist frantically strikes Bokuto's front door after sprinting all of the way there. It's safe to say this is the most you have ran in a while and you hope he answers the door. You really need to discuss the whole letter situation and, more importantly, the situation between the two of you.

Relief washes over your whole body once his head of spiked hair peeks out from behind the door. Upon recognizing you, he opens the door to reveal his full body. You beam a smile before clinging onto him, "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

Bokuto pries you from his body, "Don't come over to tease me. I'm still mad at you. I'm really not in the moo-"

You didn't let him finish his sentence because you mashed each of the letters against his chest before inviting yourself inside. "I got them too."

You witness Bokuto's eyebrows furrow as he commences scanning over them. His fingers halt once he recognizes your handwriting which has been seen all too many times on his papers. You are questioned once he skims through yours, "Y-You received them too?"

"Yes! I don't know how it came to my house. I didn't believe it at first but everything that was inside of it slowly came true. My letter revolves around you."

"Mine is all about you.... We were sent these at the same time and we both have the same goal. Does this mean we're supposed to be friends?"

You take a deep breath once Bokuto golden eyes lock onto yours for answers. " to think this means we are meant to be together."


"We both madly regret letting the other person leave, right? It's also obvious we really really liked each other and to write this five years in the future we have to still think of each other." You are met with silence. "I'm sorry for what I said the other day too. I've thought long and hard about us and I came to the conclusion that we are not my parents. Our relationship is totally different. These letters have shown me that you loved me as much as I loved you in whatever the hell universe they live in and I'm done questioning it. I want to move forward with you. I'm through with storing away my feelings and hiding from them. I want you, Bokuto. I want to date you. I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you too. I want to tell you nothing but the truth and I want to let you know everything that happens to me. I'm done running. I want to stay right here with you. I love you."

Bokuto was speechless. He never thought he would live to see the day you, the most closed off person he has ever known, confess your feelings is such a straight forward way. Suddenly, realization of your words struck him.

You told him you love him.

"I love you too."

You cling onto him from around his neck and wrap your legs around his waist for a hug. You pull your head back from his shoulder and you feel one of his hands support you by your bottom as he brings the other to your chin to pull your head in for your first kiss together.

And your first one overall in your eighteen years of living. Wow. Once you pull back from the hug, you speak, "I love you a lot."

"I love you too." You are set back onto the ground and Bokuto continues to talk. "I'm really happy. I can finally do whatever I want with you. I can hold your hand and I can kiss you. I can hug you...and do whatever else the day may lead to because you're finally mine."

You grab onto his face and kiss him once again. You cannot get enough. Bokuto and (c/n) are all you need. The two of you sit onto the stairs that were just behind you both. He grabs onto your hand, "What about the letters?"

You question him, "What about them?"

"What do we do with them?"

"Keep them?" You respond him in a questioning tone. "I don't know what you're asking."

"They sent them here. How about we send them one back so they know their effort wasn't wasted?"

"Bokuto, we don't even know how they did that."

"The letters said we never saw each other again after graduation. If I could do it on my own in the future, maybe I can do it now. You're smart. Maybe we can figure it out together. We had that lesson in class about parallel universes and took notes. We can review them and maybe we do our own research."

"That's a lot of work. But if you think we can then we must try at least."

"Who would have thought that a couple decisions that seem so small would affect everything?" Bokuto speaks, taking the words right out of your mouth. "I believed it right away."

"That's because you're gullible." You giggle. "I knew for sure it was real when the letter said I would like you on the day of the piano and then I did."

"That's when you first liked me? I've like you for a lot longer."

You smile to the spikey haired male. You reach forward to gather the papers once again to look over. You further discuss the contents of the letters and what you both were thinking.

It's so insane to think that you two were in love with each other but a simple fight kept the two of you apart. You are so glad that didn't happen in this parallel universe. You're glad you have someone to share the rest of your life with.

"We graduate at the end of next month. After that, we're on our own in the real world. I'm scared." You speak up.

"I'll admit it's scary but it's going to be alright. There is going to be changes but they should all be good. Even if they aren't, we still have each other."

You mutter to yourself, "College life."

"Do you want to get an apartment together after we graduate next month?" Bokuto suggests, you eyes widening. "We'll need a place to stay when we start college and I don't know if I can stand to be away from you for a whole night in a dorm room. There is no privacy there anyway."

You do not hesitate, you can only smile wider.

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