Chapter Fourteen • January 26th, 2017

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January 26th, 2016
As you walk past the gym, you overhear Bokuto talking to Akaashi about what to do with the stray kitten he had found. You didn't intervene. I want you to take the kitten in.

Take the kitten in? Will your parents even allow that? You haven't had a pet in a couple years. They let you have one before, why not now?

"(l/n)-san!" Your friend calls, "Come on! Let's walk together today."

You agree, you figure she's the one who caused you to pass them in the first place. You make it outside.

You are walking past the gym and you see Akaashi and Bokuto crouched down under a tree. You can only guess that is where the kitten is.

"I have to catch up with them but I'll walk with you another time, alright?" Your friend waves you off and you head over to the two boys, "What're you doing?"

They both turn their heads to face your approaching figure. "I found a kitten." Bokuto responds.

You kneel down beside Bokuto and see a kitten purring. Bokuto and Akaashi are currently showering it with love.

"What are you going to do with it?" You question him.

"I don't know. (dog/name) passed away not too long ago so I don't think my parents would let me keep it."

"My dog hates cats." Akaashi responds.

"I can take it home." You say, causing them to turn to you. "I don't have any pets at home and I don't think my parents would care. Especially since it looks like it is homeless. Hand me my new son, please."

Bokuto grabs onto it and hands him to you. You walk into the gym with the kitten in your arms and the gym's attention.

"What are you doing with a cat?" The team asks the three of you.

"We found it! We can't let him fend for himself out there." Bokuto replies as he and Akaashi head for the locker room. "(l/n)! Can you stay for practice today? We can go to the pet store and buy his stuff!"

"Yeah! That's fine!" You exclaim to him as they enter the locker room.


"Ooo! This one too!" Bokuto gasps, "Look! This one makes noise! He would love that!" Bokuto says as he drops another cat toy into the cart.

"Bokuto-san, don't you think that's enough toys? You already put in a quite a few." Akaashi advises him.

"You can never have too many toys." Bokuto replies, looking at Akaashi.

"Don't you think we're going a little overboard?" You question looking over everything in the cart. You pick up an item in the cart, "Bokuto-san! I told you to put this back!"

"It's a sweater for cats!"

"He has fur! He doesn't need a sweater!"

"What if he gets cold at night? He's little!" Bokuto tries to persuade you.

"He'll live." You say as you set it on top of the cat toys on the rack.

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