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    "The story falls back to 1936. That guy's name is EdmundCalvin. His parents admitted him in a mental asylum after seeing his rude andstrange behavior both in house and school. He was taken care by a good guythere. His name was Alfred Williams. He was treated with good care. Edmundliked that guy very much. But one day Edmund killed that guy and escaped theasylum, but the officials somehow managed to catch him and placed him in aseparate cell. When asked him the reason for killing that innocent man, he toldthat he was possessed by a spirit. They asked him how did he found out that hewas possessed. He answered that Alfred started telling stories that scared himto death. They didn't believe him though. He was thirteen during that year. Hestayed in the asylum for the next four years and then he escaped. This timethey failed to catch him. He entered this town on a Halloween night and killed2 kids. He left a note in the table which said "Hunting starts and will becontinued forever" from that day the cops began searching for him but theynever found him. Every Halloween night a kid gets killed, no matter how safethe kid is. But in the last 10 years there have been no trace of him and therewere no killings in the town. This town has forgotten him now. Maybe a very fewlike myself only know this dreadful story" Barney stopped. "You satisfied now?"asked cook. "Yes..definitely I am..thanks sir" I said. I went back to class andgot permission from the class in charge and went back home stating that I'm notfeeling well. My dad was not there as usual, so I went upstairs and opened myroom but the door didn't open. It seems like it has been locked from inside. Ipushed the door but still it didn't open. I went downstairs and picked up aniron rod and slammed it hard at the door and the door broke open. I went insideand I was literally shocked. Everything in my room was lying on the floor, mydress, TV, wardrobe etc. and all the windows have been broken into pieces. Iimmediately called my dad and then the cops. Both were here after a fewminutes.    

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