Chapter 11

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  "Girl, I will give you karats 'till you feel you a rabbit
Anything in your path, you want you can have
Walk through the mall, if you like it you can grab 
Total it all up and put it on my tab 
And then tell your friends all the fun you had

What You Want -Mase 


I looked at Dave as he stood by the passenger side door. He stares back at me, his eyes not breaking the stare down we were having.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to me grabbing me by the wrist.

"I'm really not playing with you"

He slightly man handled me, I jerked my wrist from his grasp.

"I can get myself into the car, thank you"

"Please do because I'm not about to play with you" he grilled me.

I placed my purse on the seat before helping myself on to the seat. I sat down and closed the door.

"Seat belt, please and thank you" Dave said as he started the car.

Here I was again, completely doing the opposite of what I said I would do. I shouldn't be in this car right now. I shouldn't even be giving him a damn chance. Fuck ...

"Let's get two things clear"

"Yeah, let's clear some shit up" Dave interrupted Janae.

"Don't talk to me like that or grab me up, I am not a child and I'm definitely not your child. Two don't pop up to my job unless I send for you" Janae rolled her eyes, looking at him drive. 

"Let's get one thing crystal clear, I'm a grown ass man I do what I want, when I want. If you'd answer text messages I would have TOLD you I was coming to get you." He looked over to Janae then back to the road. 

"And two, when I tell you to get in the car, you get in the car" He smirked while talking, 

"I'm really not in the mood for your games tonight, where are you taking me?" Janae looked out her window. 

"I want you to put this on" Dave lifted up the gift box. 

"I don't want it, I thought I made it crystal clear" Janae did air quotes. 

"I'm not returning it"

"So give it to your daughter" Janae responded. 

"Leave my kid out of this" Dave shot Janae a look. 

"I'm not wearing it" Janae crossed her arms.

"Actually, where the hell are you taking me?" Janae watched as the pulled up to her grandmothers building. 

Dave picked up his phone and began making a phone call. Janae shook her in disbelief. 

"Hey ma, yeah I'm here, she here too" Dave eyed Janae. 

"Okay cool, we out front" 

"Why are we here?" Janae looked out her window where she saw the entrance to her grandmother's building. 

"I need to pick up something from someone" 

Janae looked down at her phone scrolling through her social medias. When she heard a knock on her window causing her to jump a little. Dave rolled the window down revealing a very happy Lisa. Janae rolled her eyes at Lisa who laughed a little. 

"Here" she reached over Janae and handed Dave a bag. 

"What's that?" Janae asked Lisa. 

"Something Mama made" 

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