Chapter 44

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"You win some and lose some, I heard that my whole life
I heard that my whole life, but that doesn't make it right
Okay, you got ahead tonight
Man, that doesn't make it right
Man, that doesn't make it right
How do you sleep at night?"
Win Some, Lose Some - Big Sean


I was mentally going crazy, between my father interrogating him and my mother trying to be peacemaker, I was done with tonight. Not to mention that Dave is completely over me. I wanted to leave the table so bad, but he would kill me if I left him alone for more then 5 minutes.

"So Jay was telling me you're a cop?" Dave turned his attention towards my father.

I wanted to die, did he really have to ask him that shit!?

"Haven't been a "cop" since I was in my 20s, but yeah I guess I am" my father shrugged.

"That must be stressful" Dave looked over to me.

"From time to time" my father eyed him.

"What kind of cases do you work with?"

"I'm in the Narcotics division" my father sat up in his seat a little.

"Must see some crazy stuff" Dave shook his head.

"You'd be surprised by what I come across on the daily"

"Must have been weird to have a cop as your father" he looked over to me.

"Uh, sometimes" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"It wasn't weird more like... I couldn't do much" I continued.

"You did a lot!" My mom looked over to laughing.

"I was pretty much sheltered" I looked over at Dave who just nodded his head.

"Ever felt like you took work home with you ?" Dave asked my father another question, I wanted to kick Dave.

"Everyday, all the time."

"Must be tough"

"You don't even have a clue"

"Dessert anyone?" I looked over to my mother for help.

"Yes, I made a flan! David have you eaten flan before ?" My mother asked Dave.

"Of course I have, best bakery is on 116" he smiled at her.

"I'll start clearing off the table, Dave you wanna help me?" I got from my seat.

"Yeah, I got you" he rose from his seat.

We both picked up two dishes each and began walking towards the kitchen. Once we were fully away from my parents, I sat down the dishes on the island and looked back at Dave.

"Really David?"

"Oh so I'm David now? Well JANAE, thanks for feeding me to the wolves. You could have at least told them I had a daughter."

"I did! I told my mother, I asked her not to say anything to my father"


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