Chapter 97

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"I love you, I love you, I love you" Jay said in between kisses down my chest.

We laid up in my bed, I had done gave Mama bear the work. It was getting harder and harder trying to please her and get mine as well. But I made it happen.

"I love you too crazy" I laughed.

"It feels so weird being in here with no furniture" she looked around my empty bedroom.

All my stuff was packed and shipped off to the new apartment. All that was left was all of Jay stuff back her parents crib.

"Yeah but doesn't it feel incredibly smaller than the new spot?"

"Yeah it does"

"Have you figured out what you want at the baby shower?" I asked her.

"I don't know babe, is it necessary?" She asked.

"Is it necessary ? First off you're having my son. I've been wanting YOU to have my son since I laid eyes on you. Second if we don't have one our parents will flip shit. And then give you a hot mess one. Now you don't want a hot ass mess one, do you?" I laughed.

"No" she laughed too.

"So tell me what's up so me and Lisa could get the going, it's crunch time"

"Let's just keep it true to who he is to us, a tree. Let's jungle theme it" she smirked.

"But she had no idea and didn't care" I eyed her.

"You asked me and Im telling you!"

"Alright, got it. I'll let Lisa know tomorrow"

"Thank you, am I allowed to help or be involved?"

"I feel if I told you no, you'll blow up. So for the sake of good vibes, yes"

"I will not blow up, less I have to stress about" she shrugged.

"So than you not on the committee but you have the last approval" I chuckled.

"Oh! Okay" she laughed.

She held my hand as she tried to sit up, she was growing and glowing, I watched as her long hair laid straight down her back. I played with her ends as she looked through her phone.

"Oww" she hissed.

I broke out my concentration and looked at her, sitting myself up on the bed.

"You okay?"

"Yo these fake ass contractions are annoying ass hell" she breathed through it.

"Well you doing good, breathing through it babe" I rubbed her back.

"This is just ridiculous" she huffed.


"I am"

I moved myself over and sat directly behind her, pulling her into me and having her lean back on me.

"Babe?" She spoke.

"What's up?"

"Would it be too much to ask to have a water birth?" She sighed.

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