Chapter 2: My Life Turned Upside Down

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*Greaty and Kayla are at the roof

Kayla: Hey, are you okay? I saw the way that guy was talking to you. He's such a jerk, who does he think he is he's a new kid and he's bulling you how rude.

Greaty: ....... He's actually my best friend.......

Kayla: What? Are you kidding, that's no way for someone to treat their best friend what the hell? Greaty I don't know your relationship but whatever it was it looks like he doesn't care, and worse he joined the popular table he's no longer a normal student he's a kingka.

Greaty: I don't know what that was either... This morning we came to school laughing and talking with each other and the next moment he tells me to get lost from his sight? I don't understand at all. He even got a girlfriend...

Wow a girlfriend on the first day way to go Kookie you really aced that didn't you, you aced becoming a fuckboi and an asshole in 3hrs. Not gonna mention that bitch he was kissing... She was giving me the dirty eyes uuuggghhhh she so fucking nasty ... But I can't deny how sluty she fucking was, no wonder she got jungkook around her finger she's his ideal type,Got the ass falling out of her short shorts part on point.

Kayla: Greaty I know how you feel and I feel that they might come after you after today what happened in there.

Greaty: What? Why would they come for me, I did nothing wrong? Also Kayla what do you mean by you "understand how I feel"?

Kayla: Well once someone not part of the popular group tries to talk to one of them they all beat up that kid everyday because their " Royalty " around the school, also you caught the attention of their queenka, Juyung.
About that.... A girl from the popular group Hana, she took my ex-boyfriend Taehyung from me. She managed that in one day, on our 2 year anniversary.

Greaty: What the heck are you serious? That girl ( bitch ) did that too you? And they still bullied you? Also you don't have to worry I hope.... I'll be fine.

OK THESE HOES ARE SO DEAD. They take my best friend- actually make that ex best friend away from me and they did those things to my NEW best friend oh hell nah seriously how am I gonna survive? They seem ruthless on the bullying and I don't wanna show my inner side.. I feel Kayla will hate me after she knows the real me. Not even Kookie knew my real self, I always wanted to look cute infront of him so I never shared my feelings truly. God I hate this.

Kayla: Greaty are you okay to go to class? If you want I can bring you to the infirmary so you can rest, and I promise I won't leave your side?

Greaty: No it's alright Kayla Thankyou for your concern but I think I'll be fine for the rest of the day and I don't want you missing class hahahaha.... But really thanks your the best.

Kayla: hehe :3 no problem, I'm here if you ever need me. Hey do you wanna walk home together? Ohh! Oh! Can I also get your number? *blushing

Greaty: Awww oh of course let's switch numbers and I'd love to walk home with you! XD

Oh my god can she get anymore cutier omg she's like a doll she's as nerdy as me but she's so adorable omg stop your killing me Kayla XD and she's so short ahhhhhhhhhh so cute!!!!!

Thankyou Kayla you've helped me get over what just happened tho it still hurts you've really helped, I don't know what I'd be doing right now if you weren't here.

*Classes end for the day

*Greaty grabs her things and leaves to her locker. She goes to the bathroom before meeting with Kayla .

Greaty: "Message to Kayla Cutie"
-"hey I'm going to the restroom I'll see you outside X3.

Great why did I drink so much water in third period damn.

*Greaty gets pushed in the wall by some girls in the bathroom and they start to beat her up and dunk water on her

Girl#1: Who do you think you are bitch talking to Juyung man like that! Your just a stupid ugly nerd!!

* girls continue to torture Greaty

???: Hey Hey Hey stop it.

* Girls separate and you see the girl that was staring at you from the table during lunch

???: I believe we haven't met my name is Juyung and I'll be your biggest nightmare if you don't stay away from Jungkook he's mine now and he gives zero fucks about you so just run back into your cheap whole and stay away from me and him, ugly bitch.

*The girls hit Greaty a couple more times until joining Juyung outside the bathroom

What the fuck did these bitches just do all that so their preppy bitch hoe can come and tell me that well fuck off I'm fucking done with Jungkook he can kiss my ass goodbye. But fuck I can't stand what the he--

* Greaty collapses after not realizing she got hit to many times in the head

Kayla: What's taking her so long she didn't drink that much in third? Wait are those the popular girls? They just came out of the bathroom... OH NO GREATY!!!!!!!!!!!

* Kayla runs to the bathroom and can't believe what she saw. A bruised bloody faced Greaty on the floor unconscious.

Kayla: OH FUCK


Well that's the second part damn lots went down between the popular girls and Greaty how is she?
It's about time we learn about Greaty's life at home next chapter....

BYE BYEEEE~~~❤️❤️❤️

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