Chapter 12: Will We Forgive And Forget?

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*After school at Greaty's place*

Taehyung: Okay I want you to listen to me Kayla. The reason... Why I left you.

Kayla: Oh you mean the reason why you broke my heart basically killing me.

Taehyung: listen I know and I'm sorry I did that to you with out talking but I'm really sorry Kayla. Let me explain.

Kayla: huh, go on.

Taehyung: okay so it began when you were first bullied I said I was going to protect you and I meant it I promise I truly did but after what they did to you in the change room and at your home I couldn't bare to see anything worse happen to you because of me. I'm so sorry I had to do it like that. I couldn't bring myself to tell you everything I just wanted to protect you. I thought it would have been better to have you hate me then have us separated in love.

Kayla: Tae. I know you did it for me but do you know? That you leaving me hurt me more than what those bitches did. They could have beaten me up for all I cared as long as I had you. For two straight years I waited to see if the tae that I loved would come back and just hold me again. But you never came back. And I hate you for that, you probably got so used to Hana you forgot about me. We are in year 11 now and I spent every night for the year and a half crying over your 'sorry' ass. Tae you could have protected me but you did it the wrong way. And congrats tae you did one thing right and that was making me hate you.

Taehyung: Kayla! That's not true I could never forget you I truly did it to protect you. I only left you to protect you. I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side and hold you in those times. I truly am sorry. I never knew you went through all these emotions and that you cried I thought you would have gotten over me. Cause I'm just trash.

Kayla: You got one thing right TaeTae and you are trash and I'm thinking if I should take out the trash or not. Tae stop saying sorry I'm starting to get annoyed. We could have helped each other you were all I needed Tae I could have gone through worse if I had you. But seeing with Hana broke my heart into pieces that years couldn't put back together. I love you tae but I don't know if I should take you back. Will you leave me again?
*tearing up*

Taehyung: Kayla! I still love you and I have always loves you! I will never leave your side again I promise I really will protect you this time but by your side forever please Kayla forgive me. Please don't cry. I love you.

* In the next room*

*Greaty glaring at jungkook*

Jungkook: I know what your thinking. I'm just a douche bag that left my best friend for another girl and was rude to her.

Greaty: Wow you read minds now? Also Kookie you weren't rude you were ruthless. I thought we were friends and you just broke that. And what was that? You said you loved me? Really Kookie? What was the real reason you left me I know your not stupid but your thirsty for sure , but not stupid.

Jungkook: at least you know that haha... But really Greaty the truth is I never told you I have a brother and he's more of a father figure then my actual one because he left us, my brother grew ill and I couldn't do anything my little money went to nothing. So I decided that is be the worst person on earth and use Juyung. But I didn't just use her for that I also did it to protect you I'm really sorry. When I said those things to you at lunch on the first day of year 11 I was dying on the inside just seeing your face your reaction. I was killing myself I never meant any of what I said and to be honest I watched you go home everyday from a window making sure you were fine and well. But that first day when I saw you leave with Eunha the first day all beat up and half walking I was devastated. I wanted to protect you and I couldn't do anything. Every day that you missed from school after that day I was ripping my hair out on how worried I was. I'm really sorry Greaty please please forgive me, I don't deserve to be your boyfriend or best friend again but please give me a chance.

Greaty: Kookie... First off bitch. Second you could have stayed with me Kookie and if you told me we could have worked together like what were besties for if you didn't trust them with anything. The whole situation with your brother I would have loved to know about and help you and be there for you. Unlike you who were a coward and gave up immediately. I trusted you like a best friend should but you kept such a big thing like your family problems and your own personal problems from me? How would I feel? I feel betrayed jungkook I trusted you and you choose to lie to me everyday. I makes me think if our relationship should continue or not. I love you but do you really love me? Enough to stay with me?

Jungkook: Greaty of course I will stay with you for the rest of my life I will never leave your side I promise I truly promise you think never want to see you cry again. I love you so much and I've loved you for the past 9 years. Can we try again but as lovers? Please take me back Greaty.

* in both rooms Greaty and Kayla chuckle lowkey without the boys noticing. Then they say*

Kayla: I know you love me but Taehyung I..... Have a boyfriend right now.

Greaty: Kookie I appreciate your confession and all but I'm sorry I'm dating someone now.

Kayla: His name is--

Greaty: His name is--

" Jung Hoseok" " Park Jimin"


Ha ha XD how will tae and Kookie react to that!!!

To be continued

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