Chapter 9☽

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I haven't seen Elijah since he stormed off, so I decide to walk back home to explain to my parents what I've discovered. I look around and try to figure out if I'm going the right way when a twig snaps behind me. I turn around.

"Who's there?" I ask since I can't see anyone.

"Depends on where there is," A deep voice behind me says. I turn around, but to my surprise nobody is there.

"Who are you?" I ask, getting impatient.

"Wrong question,"

I frown. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here," I turn around again to find myself looking at a man, naked from the waist up.

"Who are you?"

"An old friend of your mothers,"

"What's your name?"

"What's yours?" He's beginning to creep me out.

"None of your business,"

"Then I won't tell you mine,"

"Well, if you know my mother then you should know me," I say. He smirks.

"Well you see, I haven't seen your mother in a few years,"

"Well you see, I'm aware of stranger danger," I growl.

"You're a very smart girl," he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Um, thanks,"

"You can trust me," He says, still smirking. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. This guy doesn't particularly seem like the trustworthy type.

"Okay then, I'm going to get going. I have a lot to do, good bye,"

"Oh, no, your not going anywhere," He walks towards me and I back away only to crash into someone else behind me. I scream and he covers my mouth with his hand.

Prim? Viola asks in a worried voice.

Viola, we need to get away from these creepy people. I say, immediately relieved to hear her voice again.

I know, but why were you in the woods anyway? Viola asks.

Because I wanted to see my parents, I say.

Did you fight with Elijah?

No, we're best buddies and the world is all sunshine and rainbows, I reply sarcastically.

I'm just asking.

I'm sorry, let's get out of this mess, though, before we do the whole make up thing.

Good idea.

The guy who has a hold of me pushes forward and leads me away.

With a secret smirk on my face, I smack my head backwards, into his nose. Then I turn around and, while he's occupied by the sore nose, I knee him where the sun doesn't shine and sprint.

"Get her!" I hear behind me. Suddenly a bunch of wolves start to howl and race along beside me.

And of course, at the worst time possible, I start to shift.

But maybe it wasn't the worst time after all.

I stumble over as my bones begin to morph into those of a wolf. After a few moments, all the bones have clicked into place. But by that time I look around and realise all the wolves had formed a circle around me. The man who had gone to grab me a few minutes prior stood directly next to me.

The guy stood next to me. I growled deeply and leapt forward, but he moved away.

Go again!! Primrose yelled.

Be quiet, it's my time to shine, Once again I jump forward, this time with success. I land right on top of him and hear a series of growls behind me.

I bite the guy's leg and turn around, then leap over all the other wolves that were stalking their ways towards me.

Then, I run.

576 words

Hey guys!! Thank you so much for being so patient and waiting for an update! I'm really sorry it took so long, but if you look at my most recent posts on my wall it'll explain why ❤️

Also a big thank you to the gorgeous Ebzzzz for writing the first half, you're such a good friend and words cannot express how thankful I am for you fixing my writers block 🤣

Stay tuned for the next update!!
— Leo 🔥

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