Chapter 10-Foxpaw

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Foxpaw was excited, today she was going to the Moonpool with Mouseclaw. Foxpaw had been his apprentice for about 6 moons already, and she knew he was pleased with her work so far. It was almost nightfall, and Foxpaw was waiting for him to return from gathering herbs. During that moment of time she was thinking about what my name would be, or who she would meet. Foxpaw heard rustling and he fur bristled, thinking it was Tigerpaw. But it wasn't her orange fur settled down when Mouseclaw came inot the den. He dropped a bundle of herbs on the floor. 

"Well Foxpaw, are you ready?" He asked tilting his head a little.

"Well arent we going to sort the herbs?" Foxpaw said nervously.

Mouseclaw shook his head, "No, its almost dark, and we need to leave now if you want to make it to the Moonpool on time."

"Right." Foxpaw nodded. Mouseclaw smiled and walked out of the den Foxpaw following closely behind him.

When they reached the Moonpool, Foxpaw couldnt help but feel amazed. Of course she had been their before, but it looked even more dazzling than it had before. Foxpaw saw Mouseclaw lay down in front of the pool of water and touch his nose to the surface, creating tiny ripples in the water. Foxpaw laid down next Mouseclaw, and touched her nose to the cool water. Foxpaw opned her eyes to see a starry field, Mouseclaw was standing next to her. Foxpaw watched as three starry figures swirled to stand behind Mouseclaw. Foxpaw recongnized two as Leafpool, and Jayfeather. But she didn't know the last one, she stopped staring at them when Mouseclaw began to speak. 

"I, Mouseclaw, medicine cat of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her clan for many moons. Foxpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan and to protect clans equally, even at the cost of your life?"

Foxpaw's whiskers twitched for a moment, "I do."

Mousclaw smiled, "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Foxpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Foxblaze. Starclan honors your skill in memorizing herbs and protecting your clan, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of Thunderclan."

Mouseclaw rested his muzzle on Foxblaze's head and Foxblaze licked his shoulder in return. Then the gathered medicine cats began chanting  "Foxblaze,Foxblaze,Foxblaze!" Foxblaze looked around at the cats a surge of pride began flooding inside of her, but it quickly ended when the image was shredded away. Foxblaze was now in a blood stained field, cats were fighting left and right. Foxblaze heard a recongnizable yowl of her leader from a distance. Foxblaze began running towards where the yowl had come from she found herself face to face with a shadowy figure, Foxblaze could only see the amber eyes of the figure, then the figure lunged at her, Foxblaze closed her eyes prepared for death. But it never came.

Foxblaze slowly opened her eyes, and found herself face to face with Leafpool.

"What happened?" Foxblaze said still shaking from the image.

"You saw the fate of your clan and others." Leafpool replied softly.

"But, we can change it can't we?" 

"I'm afraid not, the dark figure is already being corrupted, soon they will fight back."

"Do you know who it is?"

"Yes, but you need to find out for yourself. When you do, stop them from destroying the forest."

"Why me, I'm a medicine cat! I can't fight, what makes you think I can stop someone from destroying the forest!"

Leafpools image was already fading away, "Belive in yourself and you will do great things."

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