Chapter 13- Shadowstar

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Shadowstar kept her head held high as her and her clan mates trudged along the sandy shore of the lake, she could catch the faint scent of Riverclan, telling her that the island was near, and sure enough it was. She leapt onto the fallen tree gripping her claws into the wet bark to keep her from falling, and once she and her clan mates had made it across Shadowstar headed over to the group of leaders.

"Greetings Shadowstar." Said the cool voice of Sharpstar.

"Sharpstar, what do you want?" Shadowstar said narrowing her eyes slightly, Sharpstar was known for her constant trouble making.

"I heard that your medicine cat died."

Shadowstar lashed her tail, "Who told you that?"

Sharpstar turned around, "It's pretty obvious that Mouseclaw didn't bother to show up to the Gathering."

Shadowstar watched the leader of Shadowclan leave. Shadowstar pawed at the ground, something didn't seem right. She looked around, it seemed like every leader was looking at her. Had every cat heard of Mouseclaw's passing? 

Her green gaze flicked over to Foxblaze who was talking to all the other medicine cats, but she guessed they already knew. She slowly walked to the tree branch that all the leaders sat on and searched for one cat in particular. Tigerpaw.

Foxblaze had told her about their meeting at the border, how Tigerpaw was staring off into the Shadowclan territory, and when Foxblaze went to talk to her Tigerpaw lashed out. When Foxblaze had left her den, Shadowstar wasn't entirely convinced that Foxblaze had told the truth, it seemed like she left some details out. 

She spotted Tigerpaw chatting with a tom, he looked to be from a different clan. Its okay, Shadowstar, let the apprentice make friends, its not like she's the one that prophecy was talking about. The prophecy! She looked back at the apprentice Tigerpaw was talking, to he was a tabby, she looked around the island and spotted a few more. So many tabbies and they could all be the one the prophecy was speaking of.

"Shadowstar? Shadowstar?" 

Shadowstar snapped out of her thoughts when Froststar, the old Riverclan leader, nudged her. "Huh."

"Its your turn to speak."

"Oh, right." Shadowstar sat up straight. "I'm not sure how many of you know, but our medicine cat Mouseclaw has sadly passed on to Starclan."

There were soft murmurs from the crowd. "We know he was attacked, but we don't know from what."

Her tail twitched as the round eyes of different cats stared up at her. Movement in the crowd caught her eye, a two dark pelts were moving out of the crowd.

"Isn't this the second time a Thunderclan cat had been attacked?" A random cat shouted.

"Yes, but um-"

"Aren't you the least bit concerned that there might be a murderer in your clan!"

Goldenflower stood up. "Who says its from Thunderclan! The murderer could be from any clan!"

Arguments broke out between all the cats.

"SILENCE!" Shadowstar shouted, all the cats turned to her their eye wide with shock. "There is no murderer, and we shouldn't go accusing each other without some evidence!"

Shadowstar jumped off the branch and used her tail to signal her clan to leave. She was quite infuriated but a small part of her thought. What if there is a murderer?


Hey guys! Its been a while! I know this chapter is quite short and all but never fear there shall be longer ones in the future! If you haven't already please vote on the next chapter in the author note before this, It'll really help me! Thanks!

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