Chapter 14- Tigerpaw

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Tigerpaw blinked open her eyes and stood up, she tensed when she recognized the starless sky and dark forest. She became curious and began to wander, the forest seemed to go on forever, her ears perked up when she heard a voice.

"No! No! No! You've got to use your hind legs!" 

Tigerpaw poked her nose through the brush, her tabby pelt hiding her from the unsuspecting cats. She stifled a gasp when she recognized one of the cats to be Blazepaw. 

"Come on, Mapleshade, I've done this move a million times!" Blazepaw complained.

"And you're going to keep doing it until you get it right!" Mapleshade snapped.

Blazepaw crouched preparing to do the move again. Tigerpaw felt a pelt brush her, she whipped her head quickly to see who it was. It was Tigerstar, his gaze was fixed on Mapleshade and Blazepaw. 

"I see you're spying on them." Tigerstar muttered still looking ahead.

"What're they doing." Tigerpaw asked.


"For what?" Tigerpaw asked, her eyes sparking with interest as Blazepaw leapt into the air and swiped her paw at an imaginary enemy. 

"Mapleshade is training Blazepaw for you." Tigerstar said looking at Tigerpaw. 

Tigerpaw's amber eyes widened. "For me?"

Tigerstar didn't respond, he crawled out of the brush and padded over to Mapleshade and Blazepaw. They stopped training. Tigerpaw watched them. 

She watched as Tigerstar muttered something into Mapleshade's ear and glance back at the brush she was hiding in. Tigerstar flicked his tail signaling for Tigerpaw to come out.

She crawled out slowly, earning a squeal of excitement from Blazepaw. The cream colored she cat bounded up to Tigerpaw. "Tigerpaw! I didn't know you trained here too! We can be training buddies!"

"Blazepaw!" Mapleshade said sternly.

Blazepaw flattened her ears and backed away slowly. Tigerpaw looked at Tigerstar and Mapleshade, waiting for what they would say next.

"Tigerpaw." Tigerstar began. "I will train you as my own apprentice, so that in hopes one day you will rule the forest, with Blazepaw at your side."

Tigerpaw felt her paws tingle with excitement. Ruling the forest! She glanced at Blazepaw who looked like she was going to burst with joy.

"Do you promise to train hard so that you can achieve your destiny?"

"Yes." Tigerpaw responded quickly, she wanted to be the ruler of the forest, and the best warrior in all of Thunderclan.

Tigerstar touched his muzzle to her head, she felt a surge of energy rush through her. She dug her claws into the soft earth and squeezed her eyes shut, and when she opened them she felt powerful, like she could take on a pack of dogs. Tigerstar on the other hand seemed to have faded a bit.

"I will meet you here tomorrow night, so we can begin our training." Tigerstar said proudly. 

Tigerpaw opened her jaws to say something. She had so many questions, but Tigerstar, Mapleshade, and Blazepaw were already fading. She wanted to call out to them but it was too late.

Tigerpaw woke up in the apprentice's den. Daylight was peeking through the entrance, she glanced over at Blazepaw who was still asleep. Was she still training with Mapleshade? She slipped out of the den, and let out a yawn while stretching. She looked around camp where others were just now waking up. 

She decided she would look for Lakecloud, her new mentor. Of course, she knew Tigerstar would be training her, but she wanted to at least get to know Lakecloud  a little bit. She heard a rustle as Blazepaw left the den, she sat down next to Tigerpaw, and began to lick a small cut on her shoulder.

"Did you scratch yourself in your sleep?" Tigerpaw asked.

Blazepaw stopped licking the wound and looked at her, her eyes glittered mischievously. "Nope! You'll see. Tonight." Blazepaw said as she nudged Tigerpaw playfully before standing up and meeting, Sandblaze at the entrance of camp.

Tigerpaw noticed Lakecloud exiting the warriors den. Tigerpaw stood up and padded over to him. 

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