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   "Oh my God! I can't believe he's two already

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   "Oh my God! I can't believe he's two already. It seems like he was born only yesterday!" Faith squealed in excitement as she pinched Josiah's chubby cheeks.

He laughed, emitting a excited screech in the process. His pale green eyes sparkled with love, his tiny nose sprinkled with a few faint freckles beneath snow white skin while his little pink lips parted with a smile. He was simple adorable and filled with love that it was almost infectious to those around him. Faith watched as he laughed, now and again throwing his hands around his mother's shoulders to hide his giggle. She couldn't wait to have her own kid and soon she would. She was dying to tell Kaylyn of her plans but she felt it wasn't the right moment, seeing that it was Josiah's birthday.

Kaylyn snapped her fingers, seeing how blank her friend had gone. "Hey!"

Faith's head snapped up. "Oh, sorry, his cuteness just kinda killed me for a sec," she smiled tightly, seeing the concerned look Kaylyn was giving her.

     "You OK?" She queried.

Faith nodded. "Mmhmm."

Kaylyn gave her a look that spoke of how unconvinced she was, but she nevertheless allowed it to drop...for now.

      "Where's Daniel by the way?" Kaylyn asked as they moved towards the table filled with goodies for the party which would commence in a short while.

       "His boss called him in today– said it was important. He sends his best wishes," Faith explained as she reached for a candy from the bowl.

    "Oh, are you guys OK?" she questioned, handing him a sweet to play with so that he would be momentarily distracted.

Faith grinned, the very thought of her relationship making her happier. "We're amazing!" she exclaimed joyfully, watching the approving smile that spread across her best friend's face.

    "Good, you deserve that," she genuinely told her.

    "Aunt Faith!" A voice suddenly came, filled with excitement.

Faith glanced to the side to see Sapphire running towards her, a grin on her face. She smiled, bending down to embrace her as she bolted into her awaiting arms.

       "Hey star fire, so nice to see you," she said, massaging her long mane of brown hair.

     "Nice to see you too aunt Faith," Sapphire pulled apart, studying Faith's face. In the beginning, they weren't the best of friends, but after Josiah's birth, they had grown to get along with each other. After all, when Matthew and Kaylyn weren't available, they had been the pretend parents.

   Faith assessed the entire length of her, taking note of the little pink dress and the matching shoes. "I see you're all dressed up for your brother's party," she acknowledged with the raise of a brow.

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